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Do I need Led blinky?

Fruity Nut

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So just finished wiring up my 8 button test controls using a shoebox! with an Ipac and pac drive. Ipac was pretty simple to setup but can I setup the pac drive from just within mfme or do I need Led blinky? also for the few layouts that use a different button say for exchange; "x" instead of "e" for instance, should I edit the layout to match my Ipac key of "e"? 

Hope that makes sense. 

I will add some pics soon. 

Thank you :)

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I just copied and pasted this reply i wrote to raj a while back from his keyboard controller thread. -->


I think i made the 2nd part of the turorial a bit confusing so instead of using the components list to re-define a button on a fruit machine layout, it's easier and quicker (when in edit mode -  DESIGN > EDIT) to just right click whichever button you want to change and select properties to get into the buttons settings.

However the components list does come in handy in situations where a layout designer used a classic layout and did'nt delete the button configurations from the classic which would conflict with the configurations of the DX layout... for instance i might use button C on a layout (my green square button) for a green feature pot but C may of been used as collect on a classic so if pressed to collect the feature pot it may collect the cash meter instead so i would use the components list to find all buttons from the classic and delete all shortcuts associated with those buttons from the classic layout the DX was built on top of. 

Hope you get your buttons set up sucessfully without and hassle and wish you many happy hours of fruit machining! 

All the best,



Also, to answer the 2nd bit of your question, yes, if a layout had "X" for the keypress for the exchange key, you can indeed change it to "E" which your keyboard controller as set to for your exchange button.

Edited by MPU_FIVE
Add answer to part 2 of his question.
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1 hour ago, MPU_FIVE said:

I just copied and pasted this reply i wrote to raj a while back from his keyboard controller thread. -->


I think i made the 2nd part of the turorial a bit confusing so instead of using the components list to re-define a button on a fruit machine layout, it's easier and quicker (when in edit mode -  DESIGN > EDIT) to just right click whichever button you want to change and select properties to get into the buttons settings.

However the components list does come in handy in situations where a layout designer used a classic layout and did'nt delete the button configurations from the classic which would conflict with the configurations of the DX layout... for instance i might use button C on a layout (my green square button) for a green feature pot but C may of been used as collect on a classic so if pressed to collect the feature pot it may collect the cash meter instead so i would use the components list to find all buttons from the classic and delete all shortcuts associated with those buttons from the classic layout the DX was built on top of. 

Hope you get your buttons set up sucessfully without and hassle and wish you many happy hours of fruit machining! 

All the best,



Also, to answer the 2nd bit of your question, yes, if a layout had "X" for the keypress for the exchange key, you can indeed change it to "E" which your keyboard controller as set to for your exchange button.

Hi Gary so just done the first bit of your lovely guide to assign the buttons within mfme but when I click test lamps none of them light up. Will the test only work when I assign each layout as I was hoping that most layouts would work without editing them? 

Do I need to load the "Fruit Keyboard. pac" on every layout? 

Sorry to be a pain 😕


Edited by Fruity Nut
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I think the reason they aren't lighting in that instance is because there is no lamp number associated to any key...if a layout was loaded and config had been pressed then lamp numbers associated to your buttons would come up in that list and then those buttons would light... 

yes every layout when you first edit it to your keys needs you to load your .pac file but when you done and saved the layout as asked to by the emulator (due to layout being changed by you) then next time you load that layout, all your buttons should light up as it that layout will remember your .pac file associated to it. 

load in a game and follow my guide and hopefully you'll have light!! 💡 

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You sir Gary are a genius !!!

All sorted now thanks to your excellent guide.

I did not click "Config" 🙄

It's a shame you have to load the .pac file for every layout. That's where I went wrong. No worries. It's all good fun.

Just need to get 5v led bulbs now as the original 12v ones are very dim as to be expected. Arcade world are out of a lot of stock at the moment.

Thanks yet again :)

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12 hours ago, Fruity Nut said:

You sir Gary are a genius !!!

All sorted now thanks to your excellent guide.

I did not click "Config" 🙄

It's a shame you have to load the .pac file for every layout. That's where I went wrong. No worries. It's all good fun.

Just need to get 5v led bulbs now as the original 12v ones are very dim as to be expected. Arcade world are out of a lot of stock at the moment.

Thanks yet again :)

Could be worse, until reading this thread I didn't realise there was a template option so I've been manually typing in the PACdrive info while sat at the cabinet for every individual layout! :)

The 5V ones are not massively bright but I find them bright enough. The other option would be driving the 12V bulbs from say a computer power supply but I haven't tried that yet myself and it would mean a bit of rewiring I believe.

Edited by slotsmagic
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1 hour ago, slotsmagic said:

Could be worse, until reading this thread I didn't realise there was a template option so I've been manually typing in the PACdrive info while sat at the cabinet for every individual layout! :)

The 5V ones are not massively bright but I find them bright enough. The other option would be driving the 12V bulbs from say a computer power supply but I haven't tried that yet myself and it would mean a bit of rewiring I believe.

Yeah i'll give them a go as easier but I may go down the 12v route if need be but still change to leds so not to fade the buttons or inlays.

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7 hours ago, slotsmagic said:

Could be worse, until reading this thread I didn't realise there was a template option so I've been manually typing in the PACdrive info while sat at the cabinet for every individual layout! :)

Oh, crumbs.... bugger that! Glad you have found there's a better way now.... It was good ole @Amusementsthat showed me how to get the buttons lit up in my MFME Keyboard build thread, so big Kudo's to him! :)


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On 17/02/2024 at 18:13, MPU_FIVE said:

Oh, crumbs.... bugger that! Glad you have found there's a better way now.... It was good ole @Amusementsthat showed me how to get the buttons lit up in my MFME Keyboard build thread, so big Kudo's to him! :)


So Gary. 

Not a biggie but just wondering...

How would I go about seperating "cancel" and "collect" for machines that normally have a shared button? 

Half of the games have the 2 separate buttons anyway but for the ones that have the shared single button but I have the 2 separate buttons on my cab. It would be nice to just have the cancel flashing if I say, want to cancel nudges or holds and the collect if there's money in the bank. 

Do you think that's possible? 

Hope this makes sense 🤔

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If the original machine had both cancel and collect on the same button then i'd just leave it as that.... neither function will clash as the machine was designed for both functions to work from the 1 button... if you did give the functionality of that 1 button to 2 of your buttons then both would be lit while the button on the layout on the screen would just have it's 1 button lit, which would look silly.... you can do it if you want to, but i myself would'nt. 

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21 hours ago, MPU_FIVE said:

If the original machine had both cancel and collect on the same button then i'd just leave it as that.... neither function will clash as the machine was designed for both functions to work from the 1 button... if you did give the functionality of that 1 button to 2 of your buttons then both would be lit while the button on the layout on the screen would just have it's 1 button lit, which would look silly.... you can do it if you want to, but i myself would'nt. 

yeah I didn't want both lit at same time unless I had money to collect and to cancel something if you get the jist. No worries 👍

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