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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Reg


    Can you please provide the game and sound roms please ? We don't just magic these out of thin air - we have to make an effort to get the physical roms or the rom images. Thank you.
  2. My first computer was a Spectrum. I recall having Ant Attack, Space Raiders and Gangsters along with a pirate tape of one game that was returned and then it was given back again as working. That is where I learnt about the LOAD "" CODE. Why they didn't bother with the LOAD "" and just do a simple loader for the code part, I dunno - suppose it was because of no loading screen. What amazed me with such a little machine - you had so much gameplay and it was awesome. I mean you could spend hours and hours running around the Ant Attack city, it was amazing graphics back in. In the eyes of a kid, Space Raiders was the excat perfect copy of Space Invaders in our eyes - surely beats the Atari 2600 version. Having loved Adventure on the Atari 2600, Atic Atac was well so awesome there was no words. Later in life, in that small 48K you could literally get lost in the land of midnight playing Lords of Midnight. Controlling great armies and everything else. There is surely an amount of rose tinted glasses going on here, but the amount of gameplay in so small memory is amazing. This is why I had to back this... ...the one with the case.
  3. I was looking through eBay to find pictures and I came across this... ...look how happy that Fruit Machine looks. Nestled next to the fire with the little table with Christmas Decoration lovingly placed along with it's plugs at an angle that is just perfect - even tho they are clearly not used and this machine is powered by magic. If ever, there was a photo on eBay that was so warm and wanted you to bring a fruit machine your house - thist must be it. Take a look for yourself... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Quids-in-America-fruit-machine-100-Jackpot/192512385466 ...officially, the best photo ever of a fruit machine as a much needed object for your house - until somebody posts something better.
  4. eBay is your absolute friend on this.
  5. I believe I know what the answer will be for this. This is site is lucky that the author of MFME hosts it here, the end product is nothing to do with myself. My role is simply to make layouts and I am on a mission to try to release one a week for the whole year. With regards to MFME, I just consider myself lucky to be part of it here at this site. MFME is solely coded by @Wizard and he will be the only one that can ever answer this.
  6. Version V1.00


    This week is another version of DOND - Casino, this type at £25 with a base game that appears more like it's older £500 big brother.
  7. My MFME cabinet was gold when I got it, you should probably skip to 6:16.
  8. Well pretty much everything upto £70 maybe possible. From this downloads are here... http://www.desertislandfruits.com/forum/index.php?/files/ ...and... http://www.desertislandfruits.com/forum/index.php?/forum/33-fml-artists-layout-releases/ as well as DX'Cellent, here... http://www.desertislandfruits.com/forum/index.php?/forum/26-dxcellent/ Look at the about box of MFME and it will link you to DADsFME and Fruit-Emu. There is always worth this area to look at as well, the RSS feeds which has about a years worth of relases across sites... http://www.desertislandfruits.com/forum/index.php?/forum/12-layout-releases-rss-feed-only/
  9. Yes ! What you are seeing here is running off a USB card. Do some searching on YouTube for videos with visuals. Here is a good guide...
  10. Reg

    DOND - Casino

    Version V1.00


    A lower stake DOND running at £35.
  11. Reg

    magic sevens

    Yes ! You'll find this one at another designers website, this I believe was done by DAD from DADsFME. Check the "About" box in MFME for a link to his site.
  12. So this is something I posted elsewhere a long while ago, kind of a cut and paste repost - so here goes... Ok, after my disapointment with the ZX Vega it made me want to build a simple Raspberry PI build to support a vision that is right for me. It was clear that the Vega console was just not meant to be. Here is MKI of my Spectrum PI, running on a V4 image that I had made. The Raspberry PI is inside the Microdrive case and the slot is at the front for the MicroSD card. This is running FUSE and goes straight into the emulator and has every version of emulator that FUSE supports up and running. The joystick support is setup as Kempston and the screen loads full screen with the TV lines for the retro feel. When you hit F1 to open the loader, it defaults to the Specturm directory where the games are. Simple, crisp and clean. SMB has been setup so you can simply browse to it from your PC and drop whatever roms you want into the Spectrum directory. Here it is with a USB joystick and keyboard attached. The keyboard is one of these but running with the supplied USB cable rather theb bluetooth... Spectrum - Bluetooth Keyboard It came originally from this Kickstarter ( Kickstarter ) which I missed so ordered via Amazon, but you have to be really careful with it. You need the Andriod APK application to unlock it now as the it's originally setup for Spectrum mode, not PC mode. The application that was on the Apple store is no longer there. The joystick is a USB version of the Competition Pro. The front of the unit has the slot for the MicroSD. USB and ethernet available form the back of the case. Green stuff blue / yellow epoxy putty was used to build the back of the case out and then sprayed black. HDMI and power presentation here. From mains power, this will happily support the USB keyboard and joystick. The image I used was slightly customised. When the system boots, it will show the PI screen, keep a watch out for the IP address of it if you need it just before this. Press ESC and it takes you to a second screen that I have here that also needs an ESC key pushing. ( At some point I am putting a picture there with the FUSE commands, for the time being it's a simple testcard. ) When FUSE loads, you press F1 and you will bring up the popup box to open games. It defaults to the /home/pi/Spectrum/ directory and I have made various sub-directories to drop whatever you want in each by format. SSH and SMB have been enabled, no password for SMB and SSH uses password. From your Windows machine, if you open file manager you can go to \\LINUX\Spectrum to get to the Spectrum file share. The two user accounts, pi and root both have the password set to password. From the command prompt the following commands are worth knowing: fuse-sdl This will reload the emulator ( not that the /home/pi/Spectrum dir won't be default unless you launch from there ) startx Loads the GUI enviorment for Windows fans sudo raspi-config Loads the configuration menu. Select option 1 to expand the file system to use the whole SD card. passwd Change the password for whatever your logged in as. sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf Edit SMB settings for file sharing to create / remove shares. HERE IS THE IMAGE FOR ANYONE THAT MAY BE INTERESTED I OFFER NO SUPPORT ON THIS EVERYTHING YOU DO FROM HERE ONWARDS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK Image setup instructions from scratch to build your own are here PI V4.txt. The actually image is linked below. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GcPmX-ZdBM4nj38OtPjHPZTtitMJodrV The image is restored to the SD card using Win32DiskImager-0.9.5.
  13. Reg


    There is an image that is meant to be pretty good on th Pi3, the problem is, the damn size of it... 256GB_VIRTUALMAN_V6.1 - PLATINUM EDITION_RETROPIE+ES+ATTRACT_PI3B_PI3B+ ...was watching a video a couple of days ago on YouTube on it - fairly impressive.
  14. Yep. 30p a game, but you know what - you're gonna want to buy the next turn when offered... You have enough here for a new video series... Anatomy of the Crystal Maze A journey into each version in detail with game by game and split screen comparisons in 4K ...you have so much to look at here, it could be part of a 20 week series ! Go on, you know you want to...
  15. Final go... FinalGo.rar Note this one gives 5 CREDITS when you put £1 in. All from a RAM RESET, looks like there is a good amount of gold in there. This must def be an early one...
  16. Sure - understood - I do have the classic to play and if you're passing to DAD, it'll be in safe hands anyway. Thanks for the update on it tho.
  17. <<< Heart >>> <<< COUGH! >>> <<< COUGH! >>>
  18. Reg

    Some Like It Hot

    Version V2.00


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