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Posts posted by Pook

  1. Wow, now that's a challenge! The pictures are no where near good enough to create a DX from, it would have to be a redraw. It's not as simple as Cabaret which is in essence a series of layered geometric shapes.

    Having said that I would love to see this done as it's a great old machine with nice sounds. Where did the pictures come from, be great to get some better images.

  2. As some of you are aware @johnparker007 has set up a 'Community Drive' as a place to gather quality artwork for the scene. I have been going through all of my old folders and uploading any base art, glass scans, edited art & redraws. Some of the art is good quality that the emulator couldn't handle back when the DX was released and now can, and perhaps future advancements can take advantage of them.

    In the Community Drive if you click on the advanced search and put my name in the 'item name' box it will show all the art I've uploaded.



    Where I have additional artwork for that machine of I've made new reels or buttons etc I have uploaded them in the machines relevant folder on the drive.



    I still have some other archives to look through containing old WIP folders that's I'll probably never get around to finishing, I am sure I have usable art somewhere that needs a DX. I will upload to this thread as and when I find it. 

    This link will take you to what I've just finished uploading... Community Drive

    • Like 4
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  3. On 15/07/2022 at 18:49, woodsy said:

    hello good buddy, it's my first time posting on your D-EXCELLENT EXCELLENT site, thanks for your service.

    I previously discussed my desire to see ltgtr remade and don't know your work style, if it's one at once, many at several stages etc..

    whilst I don't want to seem rude or pushy, please can you let me know if you will be putting that in the mix anytime soon? i'm not quite but almost as excited for this as i was fortune wheel you provided for me..

    best wip shes 

    I never do 'one at once' I get bored easy and between work and family time is limited to bitesize sessions.

    My wip folder has over 100 projects in it many abandoned over the years due to versions released by other designers. Others haven't been touched in a long time.

    In reality I only have upto a dozen in active development, LTGTR being one of these, flyer has been scanned and in the process of cleaning up and removing lines, I cannot give any time lines here.


  4. 13 hours ago, vectra666 said:

    Exactly the flyer in itself isn’t the best it’s a lot of hard work removing lines only to find out the flyer maybe unreadable due to quality 

    do we have a better res one @Pook maybe??

    Nope, I don't have it, just the basic scan that's out there already.

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