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Everything posted by johnparker007

  1. Sorting some icons out for the dockable UI tabs, I think a Yoda is appropriate for the MFME Import window RIP @Wizard
  2. MFME Import - initial rendering into window working:
  3. Layout Editor - cross platform UI system - latest WIP:
  4. Cheers man, appreciate that - extra rom hacking info is always handy to have
  5. Good to know, that info could help real machine owners without their dongle @hitthesix has apparently since sent @spa over a working layout, not sure if that was down to some rom hacking?
  6. Warped (Bellfruit) [Rom].zip From Geddy's collection (no sounds only the interleaved program ROMs)
  7. @hitthesix identified this rom as Bell Fruit Warped (missing sounds) back in 2019 over on fruitemu: https://www.fruit-emu.com/forums/topic/56619-fme-rom-dat-20190623/ The game is 'WARPED', I just checked myself in the interleaved ROMs, and the ROMs are in the BFM sc5 naming format.
  8. I know, I think I said elsewhere on Dif recently, I'm just staying out of it for the moment. Worst comes to the worst, MAME could be forked... but that's got its own whole host of nightmare issues then!
  9. I've only deeply dabbled in some of the other platforms, I'm not up on whether that's a dip switch/config issue, or if it's an emulator bug... perhaps some seasoned layout artists could weigh in?
  10. I see quite a few in Geddy's rom archive for this machine, so there could be...:
  11. I've pm'd ya, I have got this Community Drive thing semi-started, but I need people's email address in order to enable their write access on on their personal folder - thanks again for taking the pics dude, they look good
  12. Nice one @slotsmagic and @spa - some layouts will be improved with the new photos you guys took on your trip! Example - Apollo 9 Maygay: Latest DX: Processed photo for MFME off image: More great resources for the Community Drive when I get back on with that side quest next week
  13. A little video showing the WIP of the new cross-platform UI Dockable Windows system
  14. The rom j6indy is 'completely' set up for touch (some are only set up partially and do not have an orange mouse pointer). The rom m4andycp is 'partially' set up for touch (doesn't have the orange mouse pointer, but buttons can still be clicked with OS mouse pointer).
  15. There's never enough time for hobby coding projects lol The new project is Unity, open source: [ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis ...currently was making a xplatform ui system for the editor, though need to sort out the Community Drive side project I've started before I get back into it.
  16. johnparker007


    Played a lot of the arcade version of this, great little game
  17. I'm glad to hear that Arcade Sim qualifies as an essential! It's going to be a while before 'arcade sim 2' is developed (as part of the new Oasis suite), but that will allow others to build and improve the fruit machines (rather than just me in this initial version), so the long run that will have many more...
  18. I looked at all RoadRunner's uploads, none of them were the rom unfortunately - I see you added a comment over there, maybe they'll turn up. In the meantime, there's always even more queen games lol
  19. Mpu Mecca is definitely still running, may be worth giving another try, checking Spam folder etc. https://www.fruitemu.co.uk/ib/
  20. Queen image from the video - so at least I won't need to be doing 3d modelling for this one! Couldn't see any roms unfortunately, I did have a poke around...
  21. Hey @Jamie28J We don't have roms, but I've found yet another queen game! A guy Riche is selling it on the Mecca, here's a couple of photos:
  22. Yeah I don't know what the solution is with MAME currently, it's all kinds of tech that's being impacted (in terms of people don't want to work on them with MAME currently as it is, and these are highly skilled emulation people, who you definitely do want working on this stuff), fruit machines is just a small part of it... going to keep to the sidelines for now!
  23. Kind of yeah. A whole emulation project is iffy as it's a massive undertaking - but if someone wanted to say get all of sc4/5/6 fruit machines working, they might make a 'fork' of MAME, to say ScorpionMAME. Then do all the work in there, free from code reviews. But ideally you'd want someone to then merge that work back to MAME. It doesn't need to all start splintering out like that into these dedicated mini-projects, as there'll be loads of duplication of work, bugfixes not making it across the forked projects... it's really not ideal longterm. Retroarch doesn't really do any emulation development, it's just a 'wrapper' that encapsulates existing emulation projects into its 'core' format. A lot of devs in the emulation community hate it, though I can see it's utility, it does overstep sometimes with building cores where permission is not granted etc.
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