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Posts posted by MPU_FIVE

  1. Hi, Fruity fans!

    Had 2 empty Ferrero Rocher boxes left over from Christmas, and thought they'd make a cracking case for a MFME keyboard, as i've been wanting to make one for ages, and don't want a huge tall box on my desktop as i want the buttons to be comfortable to use, if i could bolt maybe 3 of these together they'd be about the width of my desk and should be plenty big enough for what i want, as i will only be getting 1 Ipac and Pacdrive, so 16 buttons are the limit, which i'd be happy with.

    The question is, at 4cm deep, is it going to be deep enough for the button's arse end to fit comfortably within the box?

    and i know drilling the 24-28mm holes in the plastic could be problematic too, but... is it do-able?

    I've been looking round Arcade World's website for buttons, Pacdrives, etc...

    I'm hoping it can be done!

    What do you guys think?







    Case front.jpg

    Case side.jpg

    Round button.png

    Square button.png

    Triangle button.png

  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20050627001244/http://www.scorpiosfme.tk:80/

    There was a good tutorial back in 2005, by fme designer Scorpio, i printed the entire tutorial out one afternoon back in the day (took 2 sets of ink cartridges to print!), although it's not a video.

    It helped me make my 1st and only classic layout of BFM's Daylight Robbery, even tho i did'nt make it very well, - but it worked -  the damn thing worked! :)

    The site is still available on archive.org's wayback machine, (link above) tho sadly it's missing the images, but still has all the text to read.

    Maybe someone else on here managed download all the tutorial at the time in html format - i wish i had now, tho i still got the paper copy i made.


  3. 3 minutes ago, woodsy said:

    I’m still dreaming of the day we get your carry on machine up and running. That game is 80 percent of my childhood

    Me too!

    By the way I took another batch of photos of What a Carry on, don't know if you want them, i will chuck em here anyway...

    theres lots of pics of the reels as i was trying to get a pic of each symbol with and without the "carry on" symbol on it...

    also went through said symbols to try to map out the reels as i wanted to put them into the albeit broken classic layout i have of it - just need a talented programmer to try hack it to make MFME run the damn thing!


    Carry on bodged reel symbols.zip 1348454900_Whatacarryon2.zip

  4. @woodsy Cheers matey!

    I will have a play of this and the one i already have as i could do with getting my hands dirty with the MFME settings... you'd think having been in the FME scene since 2004, i'd know how to by now! - but alas - i don't!

    Just glad there are loads of friendly faces here that are so helpful - one of many things i love about being here on the isle of fruits!


    Gary aka MPU_FIVE


    • Haha 1
  5. Hello, i dug out the Codfather (MPU5) and also South Park (SC4) made in the days before the official release of MFME 5 and get errors...

    as far as i know neither has been released since.

    With the Codfather i get Alarm 54-2A Meter Sense Fail

    With South Park i get Pay Unit Err 17

    I would imagine i will find many others that do the same as i trawl through my archives so wondering if there is a fix for both these errors that can be applied to any other machines that have the same problem going forwards...

    I have searched the forums, and think i found a suitable fix for the South Park issue here...

    But searching found nothing to help with the Meter Sense Fail problem with the Codfather MPU5 layout, so if anyone has a fix, please let me know.

    I attach some screenshots to show what i saw, thank you in advance for any help that comes this way.

    Cheers all,

    Gary aka MPU_FIVE


    Codfather 1.png

    Codfather 2.png

    South Park.png

  6. Ahhh, i'm gutted you've deleted your YouTube channel @Chopaholic :(

    I used to look forward to the latest emulation videos, i liked the commentary, you could certainly talk the hind legs off a donkey! - but i liked that! 

    it probably sounds kind of strange but watching those videos almost felt like i had an old friend round to visit, you waffling on kind of kept me company and sometimes i'd catch myself talking back saying things like "no, Degsy!, that's gonna make you lose!" or face planting when a Degsy guaranteed skill stop goes wrong! lol. :)

    But yeah, if it affects your real life, obviously that takes the number 1 spot.

    It's been a reel blast, - (see what i did there) lol!

    All the best, to the one and only Degsy Degworth - it was fun while it lasted!

    Cheers! 🍻




    • Like 5
  7. On 03/12/2021 at 21:44, wearecity said:

    To stop the reels going out of sync, go into design, edit mode, then right click on reel 1, choose properties, then on the left hand side put a 2 in the Opto Tab box and apply the change. Come out and then do that for the other two reels.

    It will instantly stop it happening, then just save the changes when finished playing.

    There are several layouts for this machine, some have the 2 into the Opto Tab box, for anyone else, thinking it doesn't do that on my version.

    Thank you again, @wearecity ...I will apply that fix, i dare say many more that have been converted from pre 5.1 will also need this too. You're a FME lifesaver, matey!


    Gary. :)

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Chopaholic said:

    It's a fab little machine, going from the comments on the video it's also one many people never saw back in the day either, which was kind of the point of video really, to give some attention to what's a bit of a hidden gem IMO, especially as it harks from the 'old testament' era of fruit machine emulation.


    Fairground works well on the original 20p/£6 combo I think, any other stake and prize combo stuffs it up, and it really needs the £3 repeater too.

    Hot Dogs is just flat out great, no real idea why it didn't do better back in the day TBH, if you think about how many Popeyes, Hagars, Fairgrounds etc there were, but I never saw a Hot Dogs for real.

    That's a highly agreeable setup, real fruit machines and videos of fruit machines in one neat package :D 

    Fairground is one I have lots of memories of as there were so many of them around at one point, is it just me though, or did that dice reel always break on the real thing?

    Yeah, the one in the ship was £6 jackpot - i never saw an £8 one in real life...

    and yes i'm sure i saw one with a broken dice reel in Sheerness before - mind you arcades back then often had half broken machines, half the bulbs blown, empty payout tubes, buttons that are sticky.... oh the joys! lol 🤣

    16 hours ago, Chopaholic said:

    I see wearecity has already answered your question above Gary but yes I had to do the same fix on my copy of the layout as well, which is quite advanced by my standards!

    IIRC the main reels were quite badly out and needed a pretty hefty offset to get them correct.

    They certainly were well out... the dice reel was set to -8 and had to be set to +8 and similar huge change for the main 3 reels too...

    I also took advantage of this to fix the Bands of Gold DX you recently reviewed, but although it gets the reels straight again, every few spins they go pissed again, but if i get a nudge they suddenly straighten up again... i'm guessing Bands of Gold does'nt like MFME 20.1 - as i remember on your video you was using MFME 3.2 to play it.

    While i'm here, slightly off track but still to do with layouts seen on your channel, did anyone ever do a DX for Sinbad? I know it is a machine you were particularly passionate about.  - I know there's a DX of the German one but it's just not as good a machine as BWB's UK Sinbad.


    Gary :)

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, wearecity said:

    Go into edit mode, right click on each reel choose properties and on the left hand side of the properties screen adjust the reel band offset until the reels line up.

    If at 0, adjusting them by just a couple either way usually - 2 or +2 works.

    It happened to many sys5 layouts in the later versions of MFME. 

    .... Thank you @wearecity! :)

    • Like 1
  10. Another brill Degsy video... love to chill out with a cuppa and watch on my big telly in my hovel of a living room!

    Remember playing Fairground in the Ship, Sittingbourne... used to have 4 fruit machines in that pub and 2 pool tables, and a dartboard. I loved it there - i could even buy drinks/crisps/chocolate from the bar with the 20p tokens from the machines. Those were the days! I miss them. 🍒🍒🍒


    • Like 1
    • Awesome 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, woodsy said:

    GORGEOUS!1! i'm so in love again!!! fingers crossed we can get this going at some point... i don't think i ever made it all the way along the board... BUST every time

    Absolutely matey! Got my fingers, toes and bollocks crossed for this one! :)

  12. 2 minutes ago, serene02 said:

    Doesn’t this have issues emulation wise?  I could be wrong though.


    Yes the reel micro is what's getting in the way of emulation at the moment but this thread seems promising as Andrew96 and Johnparker seem to be doing something with it... hence my excitement!!

    • Awesome 1
  13. Wow... That's my "What a Carry on" video up there!

    Is there a chance it may finally be a candidate for emulation? (just peeked at the other thread linked in here, hence the excitement!)


    I still own this machine, still dont work - keep meaning to rejoin the mecca and see if anyone there would be able to repair it for me and how much it would be... to me it's the best fruit machine i have ever played and will never get rid of it... i can't even open the back as lost the key years ago! :(


    I'd love it if someone was able to fix it for me, maybe even change capacitors and whatever else on the board, change bulbs to LEDs and place battery well away from the board so it can never leak onto the board!

    • Awesome 1
  14. @Reg What a lovely post, written from the heart - and @Chopaholica lovely video - you both show how much Chris means not just to you both but everyone in this community which would not of existed without him.

    Rest in peace, Chris. You live on with us all through your brilliant piece of code MFME helping bring back memories by playing fruit machines which without MFME would simply be just that - a memory.

    Thank you...

    • Like 7
  15. Hi, i'm not too sure but i think MFME needs an IPAC 2 for inputs...

    this thread may be of help,

    but also look at some of the other cabinet building topics especially the ones by @Reg, @No1Stoney, @WibbleWobbleand @uptown47 as they went into alot of detail on how they built their cabinets... good luck! - i want to make one myself when i can find some space to accomodate one! :)

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