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  1. Let’s hope there is no DOND machines with moon face mullhern on them
  2. Yeah they don’t like emulation but use it on the Switch for GameCube , Gameboy , N64 etc when it makes them money
  3. See how much they need to pay Nintendo too
  4. And here https://github.com/mamedev/mame/pull/11937 haze seems a decent chap watched few of his live streams etc mames going the way that fme did
  5. Just watching Top of the pops on BBC 4 and this song came one …. Look at the stage
  6. The new staple of Blackpool and seaside arcades , they usually run out of tickets they do a tomb raider , flintstones , wacky races rip offs too
  7. Such a brilliant channel too , would be great to go see what he’s done too
  8. Reminds me a bit like the Sims 4 adding all the extras
  9. Brilliant , shame it was too far away for me to travel and the wife would t of gone or got the humour I’ve seen some of the clips on you tube with Beanus etc Ashens is great that’s when he had hair too have your ordered his action figures
  10. Bet that was brilliant to go see , big fan of of Mr Biffo , Ashens and digitiser etc
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