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Posts posted by Reg

  1. Just now, Bagpuss said:

    I have a Pi 3 running Retropie as well as a SNES mini. TBH, I prefer the SNES mini running the old school emulation stuff - just feels better. 

    Is there a way of having more memory for games in the SNES mini?

    Yes !

    What you are seeing here is running off a USB card.

    Do some searching on YouTube for videos with visuals.

    Here is a good guide...


  2. Just now, michael said:

    sorry if this question has been asked a thousand times but is it possible to emulate electrocoins magic sevens


    Yes !

    You'll find this one at another designers website, this I believe was done by DAD from DADsFME.

    Check the "About" box in MFME for a link to his site.


  3. So this is something I posted elsewhere a long while ago, kind of a cut and paste repost - so here goes...

    Ok, after my disapointment with the ZX Vega it made me want to build a simple Raspberry PI build to support a vision that is right for me.  It was clear that the Vega console was just not meant to be.

    Here is MKI of my Spectrum PI, running on a V4 image that I had made.


    The Raspberry PI is inside the Microdrive case and the slot is at the front for the MicroSD card.

    This is running FUSE and goes straight into the emulator and has every version of emulator that FUSE supports up and running. The joystick support is setup as Kempston and the screen loads full screen with the TV lines for the retro feel. When you hit F1 to open the loader, it defaults to the Specturm directory where the games are. Simple, crisp and clean.

    SMB has been setup so you can simply browse to it from your PC and drop whatever roms you want into the Spectrum directory.

    Here it is with a USB joystick and keyboard attached.  The keyboard is one of these but running with the supplied USB cable rather theb bluetooth...

    Spectrum - Bluetooth Keyboard

    It came originally from this Kickstarter ( Kickstarter ) which I missed so ordered via Amazon, but you have to be really careful with it.  You need the Andriod APK application to unlock it now as the it's originally setup for Spectrum mode, not PC mode.  The application that was on the Apple store is no longer there.

    The joystick is a USB version of the Competition Pro.

    The front of the unit has the slot for the MicroSD.


    USB and ethernet available form the back of the case.  Green stuff blue / yellow epoxy putty was used to build the back of the case out and then sprayed black.


    HDMI and power presentation here.  From mains power, this will happily support the USB keyboard and joystick.


    The image I used was slightly customised.

    When the system boots, it will show the PI screen, keep a watch out for the IP address of it if you need it just before this.

    Press ESC and it takes you to a second screen that I have here that also needs an ESC key pushing.
    ( At some point I am putting a picture there with the FUSE commands, for the time being it's a simple testcard. )

    When FUSE loads, you press F1 and you will bring up the popup box to open games.

    It defaults to the /home/pi/Spectrum/ directory and I have made various sub-directories to drop whatever you want in each by format.

    SSH and SMB have been enabled, no password for SMB and SSH uses password.

    From your Windows machine, if you open file manager you can go to \\LINUX\Spectrum to get to the Spectrum file share.

    The two user accounts, pi and root both have the password set to password.

    From the command prompt the following commands are worth knowing:

    This will reload the emulator ( not that the /home/pi/Spectrum dir won't be default unless you launch from there )

    Loads the GUI enviorment for Windows fans

    sudo raspi-config
    Loads the configuration menu. Select option 1 to expand the file system to use the whole SD card.

    Change the password for whatever your logged in as.

    sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
    Edit SMB settings for file sharing to create / remove shares.




    Image setup instructions from scratch to build your own are here PI V4.txt.

    The actually image is linked below.


    The image is restored to the SD card using Win32DiskImager-0.9.5.

  4. There is an image that is meant to be pretty good on th Pi3, the problem is, the damn size of it...


    ...was watching a video a couple of days ago on YouTube on it - fairly impressive.


  5. 48 minutes ago, Chopaholic said:

    That's an interesting variant, I honestly don't remember seeing that one out in the wild, I'll have get the ROMs loaded in to take a look. Do you pay 30p per game or something?

    NOTE TO SELF - This is the point at which I should just load the ROMs into the layout and find out for myself :D

    Yep.  30p a game, but you know what - you're gonna want to buy the next turn when offered...

    You have enough here for a new video series...

    Anatomy of the Crystal Maze
    A journey into each version in detail with game by game and split screen comparisons in 4K

    ...you have so much to look at here, it could be part of a 20 week series !

    Go on, you know you want to...


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. Final go...



    VIDROM am1z.p1
    VIDROM am1z.p2
    VIDROM am1g.p1
    VIDROM am1g.p2
    VIDROM am1g.p3
    VIDROM am1g.p4
    VIDROM am1g.p5
    VIDROM am1g.p6
    VIDROM am1g.p7
    VIDROM am1g.p8
    ROM vid.p1

    Note this one gives 5 CREDITS when you put £1 in.






    All from a RAM RESET, looks like there is a good amount of gold in there.

    This must def be an early one...


    • Like 2
  7. 10 hours ago, char042102 said:

    I never in my wildest dreams thought we'd reach the level of realism (Gran Turismo Sport) we have now so soon in relation to what the      err.......        very lowly zx 81 and spectrum  could produce at the time, when I got into computing.Blips and 8 colours Although we laugh,there were some very good obscure games concepts on the spectrum...   Quazatron  ,LodeRunner,(did have a level creator), Everyone a wally ,Rollercoaster, Chuckie Egg 1 & 2, Turmoil,and how could I forget Manic Miner from Matt Smith.    I think I cried when I played Hyper Sports and Yie-Ar-Kung-Fu because it JUST WAS NOT like the graphics sometimes shown on the back of those cassette box covers lol and dont get me started about the zx version of Outrun......I waited 4 months for that and when xmas day finally arrived I dont think Ive ever felt so disappointed. what was all that fast forwarding rewinding caper with the cassette deck jess. trying to load the right stage and the green road then putting a tape in for the music lol OH MY GOSH    U.S GOLD NO NO NO JUST NO DONT PLEASE xD. I  shouldn't  mock really, they did the best they could at the time but I can't get those screenshot  images of Outrun from the arcade version in C.R.A.S.H computer magazine , it's your fault .

    Turbo Lotus Esprit, I think it was by Durrell.

    I used to love that game - simply driving around cities, even tho everything was at right angles and it was generally 50 / 50 if your car was going to hit the wall or not.

    I think there is a Spectrum owner in many of us here, I was not able to resist this...


    ...I am still awaiting my Kickstarter version with it in a proper keybaord - just cannot wait. :)

    • Like 1
  8. Great question - you are going to bloody hate my answer tho !

    How about both ?

    If you've got permission to do this then storage costs nothing on phones, so do both.

    When I take pictures on my camera, I usually take the shot twice if possible to account for a mistake.  Gone are the days where we would post the film off to Kodak and pray that it would come back ok...


    If you showed this to the kids of today, it'll be WTF is that !

    "What do you mean I can't see my pictures for a week or so ?"

    • Like 3
  9. Thank you - a lot of work went into this - but if there is one lesson learnt from doing the whole thing, get a JPM vogue cabinet and use it as a shell.

    I do not have the skills of others who build their own cabinets from nothing and at least if you do that way - IE - pre-purchased cabinet, some of the work is less of a nightmare.

    The biggest miracle as I am not a woodman, is this went down and completed with zero hospital visits or the need to anywhere near any medical facilities.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Pook said:

    Thanks for that lot @Reg, I'll look into doing the other 2 DXs, if no source art about I'll play about with what I have, see if I can't fashion something up.

    Thank you - I think that covers all the versions as the second of that pair has the Ocean zone in it as well.

  11. 18 hours ago, pbb said:

    Hi Reg

    Also love the video's from Chopoholic, makes me come back every other day for an update!!

    The site also needs more of your reviews too as they are very entertaining, otherwise it is turning into what Fruitemu was before all the problems etc.

    But love the site.

    Thanks for all your work.


    That is good feedback on the articles, there are some challenges that I explain in the one I have just psoted - but is this the kind of thing that you enjoyed ?


    • Like 1
  12. Great question @ben123456, it's kind of amusing to see as we go through time how this once would be "Can you do DOND" ?

    This question comes up a lot in one form or another, so I've setup an FAQ for the site.  You'll see the answer on this here...


  13. Firstly, please do not think I am being awkard here.

    I can't send you the file - if I did, I would lose my shit at others doing the same for my files - it goes against everything that I stand for and @No1Stoney is also still active so it's not as if it's a dead file that can be shared that needs updating, which in itself is a grey area.

    However - the best solution is to donate to Fruit-Emu, that will lift your restrictions.

    Fruit-Emu has a great archive of games and it costs a shit load of money to host - if you want the assets there - it's work within their file quota or donate for the same access that a lot of others have previously paid for.

    • Like 1
  14. All things considered, March was a great time from Fruit Machine Emulation and also on reflection this site as well.

    First let's look back at MFME.  On the final ever day of March 2018, @Wizard gave us the execellent MFME 6.1 which you will find in the MFME development area of this site.  This has a very intersting set of changes that are going to make some new games possible with types of reels that we could never use before - for infomation regarding this, take a look at the change log.  This is now accessed from clicking on the MFME logo within the About box of the emulator.  One feature that I like this time as well, you can now drag PNG files to the flyer / cabinet tabs and they will convert to JPG and drop into their relevant folders.

    MFME has come a long way, take a look at this picture...


    ...two machines side by side that I owned.  This was back in 2008 that this picture was taken.

    It is astonishing that so many of us are still here from that time period.  I could list bucket loads of you, but one the risk of missing somebody out, I will not.  The point is MFME has gone from strength to strength.

    Now look at these two photos...

    second.thumb.png.b295be5a198cc79b568dfdce2464f9d7.png   first.thumb.png.75437db898df9693c486394725bb1d4e.png

    ...in 2018, we have both the same machines running on MFME on physical hardware that accepts money and also pays out.  The real deal but in digital format and more ironically, the machine is located excatly where the Club Coronation Street one was originally.

    Apart from the fact the photo done in 2008 was done at the same time that others were done to make these layouts, in the case of Club Temptation some years later by myself, the Club Coronation Street ones were provided to @Mort to do his magic.

    This shows a couple of things to me.  The great skill and magic of @Wizard to bring MFME forward the way it has come and also the need for photos.

    I would say that the photos of both these machines made cracking layouts that still stand the test of time today - this was done on an aging camera in 2008.  If you come across any machines now - if you truely love FME and want to help the scene - you must capture photos.  A good example is a couple I've just uploaded to the gallery today - On A Roll ( from a machine I once owned ) and Road Hog Club ( unknown source ).  These pictures will make great photo DX's and if each one of you can capture something on your travels that will preserve a machine, it's worth doing.

    The one difference between the old days and now is the amount of designers we have.  That being said, it is a pleasure to see anything and everything that comes through from the people I term FML Artists.  You are the life-blood of the scene and it's great to see what you are making.

    For anyone who has never tired it, there is a guide to get you going here...

    ...it's worth a try and remember your first results may not always be the best - but it's the taking part that counts.  Here was the first layout I ever did...


    ...although that is version 4 of it, it never changed too much and that is in 2001 !

    Over the past few weeks, something changed on this site and it went from strength to strength.  I want to thank you the community for being part of this and the input you have here, but espically want to call out a couple of things.

    @nails suggested to me that I change the look of the site a little with the portal, this was the beginning of the change of activity here.  Initially I rejected this, but he was right.  I did have balls to admit that I was wrong and drop him a note of thanks as well.

    @Pook allowed me to assist him by hosting a dedicated ( but shared membership ) for his wonderful DX'Cellent site.  This again brought change to this site which was wonderful.

    @Wizard very graciously linked this site from MFME and when you click on the MFME home page, well here you are.

    We have a donation system in place now to assist supporting this site.  This was something that was never going to happen when it was here for just my stuff, however I felt that we had change and were heading towards a community type world then where we were before and the time was right.  Again, a big thank you to each donator who has helped here.  Every penny goes back into this site and profit will just simply cashflow if we ever get to that point.  Note that I am going nowhere, but if the time did come to move on - this site will never be sold but it will be passed on to a successor and all fundings used at that if were are in the positive side of the balance to extend licenses and hosting fees.  Again, I have zero plans to go anywhere but the most important thing for me is this site continues and watching how it's evolved and changed this year, it is my job to not break anything that isn't broken and not fix anything that does not need fixing, while keeping it relevant.

    Speaking of growing, we have a lots of these...


    ...let's be nice to them and remember when some of us started FME, they were not born / barely born and some of the questions and things that they ask may see like "yeah whatever" to us, but we've been here a long time.

    If you are a new member, then a post in the Introduction area will go a long way.

    Above all, have fun and to each and every one of you - thank you for being part of this site, be it DX'Cellent, the MFME area or Desert Island Fruits.

    Happy Easter !


    • Like 10
    • Thanks 2
  15. Hi Pook, there is a user @infection who is asking for this.  This is a conversion I did a year or so ago for myself.

    Can I have permission to send this to him / post here to this thread please ?

    Not going to post a conversion of anything you've done when you are alive and well... :)


    • Thanks 1
    • Awesome 1
  16. This is probably one of the funniest videos you have done mate .  10 / 10, absolutely brilliant watching failure beyond failure.

    If you were ever to go to hell, you'd have to do that jumping game with lemon trees followed by the shooting one on an endless loop and not what happended on Day 2...

    You ask about your major failure around the 37min mark.  I would say drink...

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