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Everything posted by Reg

  1. ...don't worry, I have plenty of surprises!!!! ...nice work on your tidy up but once that is done, you've got the cabinets and flyers to worry about ! So, piece of advice, try to keep a directory structure and naming such as... Club Desertislandfruits - DX -- clubdesertislandfruits_epoch.gam -- clubdesertislandfruits_epoch.ram - DX1 -- clubdesertislandfruits_epoch.gam ---clubdesertislandfruits_epoch.ram - Classic -- £250 --- clubdesertislandfruits_epoch.gam --- clubdesertislandfruits_epoch.ram -- £250 --- clubdesertislandfruits_epoch.gam --- clubdesertislandfruits_epoch.ram ...so what I am showing here, is regardless of the type of layout keep the naming convention excatly the same across ALL OF THEM. When you then drop flyers or pictures onto the Game Manager the you would only need to drop one instance on one of those layouts and it would appear on all four as it pulls it from either the Cabinets or the Flyers directory that is in the same folder as your MFME. Staying tidy early saves you a lot of work later.
  2. Nope, you get it all by the time it's done. The only time I am generally not releasing is if I think my work is shit or somebody else is working on it or done it.
  3. The below screen shows the Game Manager, take a look at the bottom panel for the game entry. Here you will see lots of details about the game. This is something new ( as with the game manager ) with this version of MFME and ideally all layout releases should have this filled out. This creates a .DB file within the released game as shown below that the game manager reads from. This is shown above for the entry at 17:41. A very small file, but when filled out offers the icing on the cake when viewed as above. To complete this is very easy, from the game manager go to Add / Edit Notes and the screen pops up as below, click Save when done.
  4. Version V1.00


    Nobody came up with any suggestions on how to improve this layout that had been lurking in the preview area, so this is the promotion of the layout from test to final. Enjoy!
  5. Reg

    Golden Winner

    Version V1.00


    Another video type slot machine. For pure evil play at maximum stake... ...imagine if this was REAL MONEY !
  6. Ah but this is because you have not fully embraced it. Put it in your car, place it on your phone and ipod - be at once with the rainbow of sounds as they wash over you sending you on a peaceful sleep.
  7. One thing I've always liked is the background sounds of arcades, if you want to immerse yourself a little more in MFME, play this sound file in the background while playing whatever layouts you enjoy. You'll feel just like you're in an arcade and also want to punch the person next to you who is contstantly chattering on the machine to your side. Have fun and enjoy... ( Background Sounds ) ...this is so much cooler now that we can actually probably play a lot of the machines you hear !
  8. Version V1.00


    Twice the Noel you're used to seeing.
  9. Version V1.00


    Megapack with layouts from the original fruit.exe updated for MFME5. Thanks to @SteveP for allowing me to release these. Release Article
  10. Let's look at the below example of two sets of lamps, the yellow row at the bottom is the primary lamp and the unlit lamps are the red super features. The goal is to merge the lamps so they look like this. This would make the lamp properities look like below. Rather than do this by going into the Properties of each lamp, you can do this in about 20 seconds for the entire row while on the main editor screen with the following key. Hold the CTRL key down while dragging the source lamp to the destination lamp as shown, note that your key maybe not this size depending on your keyboard. The mouse pointer will change to the following icon to indicate that the lamp has been "grabbed". Using this method you can quickly setup multi lamps. Note: If there is text on them such as some of the Barcrest's where the red trail lamps can have different names, you have to manually edit those details on the right text box for the lamps. In cases such as this, it is highly recommended that you have NO TEXT in the "Off" lamp and put the right text on the "On1" and "On2" lamps.
  11. Reg

    Red Rose

    Version V1.00


    Many thanks to @Mavroz for this one, without the rom he provided this would not be possible. This is looking like it was a failed test machine so this is one of the wonders of MFME that we can play machines we would never see in the wild. There appears to be no pictures of it available so this was done using common sense and hope that it has been done right. An interesting machine, worth a play for the unique way it plays.
  12. Reg


    Version V1.00


    Install Notes: This machine has an UPDATED MFME FONT in the .zip file. If you do not use this, you will not have the little Subbuteo men on the screen and it’ll be something else and perhaps not as wonderful.
  13. Reg

    Crazy Money

    Version V2.00


    Let's play golf... ...to control the video game, use the mouse wheel to turn him and and take shots by pressing it.
  14. Indeed and also Epoch, so I found this on Subbuteo - just thought ah, don't see that everyday lets post about it.
  15. So techs had dual bulbs on the machine buttons so you could for example have a Hold / Hi or a Hold / Lo. It's not often used, but in cases where it exists MFME now supports dual lamped buttons. This is how to set it up with an example of what they look like.
  16. Absolutely brilliant - thank you very much.
  17. Reg

    Party Time

    Version V1.00


    After the release of Party Time the dip switch for additional player sounds was found. Once enabled, the slave boxes where then found to be in a different order so Player 3 was infact Player 2. This version fixes this and the colours now match the correct players.
  18. Hi All, Just a request, does anyone have the sound roms for Subbuteo available ? Many thanks.
  19. Version V1.00


    Many thanks to @dad who I used the reel symbols from his non-club DX version for this. Don't usually bother about reel symbols being 100% match as it's so hard to do, but this one needed them for the cuteness. This uses the MFME font, you should have this by now so I've stopped including it. From this point onwards, I am starting to put the rom version in the layout title. This is 0.3 and used to quickly identify what you are playing.
  20. Version V1.00


    Old game I did a long time ago, updated for current MFME. One I used to play in the wild.
  21. Version V1.00


    The second one in the serious of three, from Barcrest.
  22. Many thanks to renoufchr for providing this information on the Monopoly - Boom or Bust thread. Default switches for S4 are as follows:
  23. Reg

    Spell Bound

    Version V2.00


    Nice little game from Empire - a little hard !
  24. Yeah it's chaos, but worth it when you sort it. My structure is basically this: Tech / Machine This then goes into say DX1, DX2, DX3, CL1 and CL2. In each of these, I call the game a generic name, say wheelofwealth_a5 for the .gam and .ram file. This way, when you drag pictures or cabinets into the panel that will work with each one. It is work, I've got a live directory and to be move - it's going to take a very long time.
  25. The reel bands were what I used at the time and there is no real reason for white / black. Some DX's I do have white ones. The red colour is a pain to DX with, you can over saturate the layout so I try to keep it under the eye-bleeder level.
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