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Puffing Billy by BWB. 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

This was something I was starting on way back at my first foray into layout creation. Never played the machine but remembered the artwork from being a kid back in the day. Needless to say, my attempt back then before people here spent the time to help me improve was pretty funny. @Tibbo decided to redo the artwork and assist, was originally going to be his first release as we were going to work together on it. Sadly he has not been active for over a year now and I know he really was looking forward to this as he wanted to get his .fml badge and give back to the community also. I'm hoping @pete_w can put the .fml badge to his profile so hopefully when he comes back it's a nice surprise or if not at least his goal has been realised.

Massive thanks to;

@Tibbo for his artwork and calloboration.

@Clo06 for the classic.

@johnparker007 and @spa for the images which lead to the far clearer image we have now.

@Ginge for play testing and spotting and fixing various issues, this guy has a far greater eye than me.

Also a big thankyou to whoever provided the ROM's for this, maybe @Mavroz?

There is a slight issue with cancel collect, mainly its one lamp for both but images have separate buttons. Originally I Had same lamp in both, but have removed lamp from cancel to see if that looks better. 

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User Feedback

andy chamley


Superb, what a machine, so addictive, only downloaded yesterday and must be the hardest machine ive played to get a jackpot from. Ive currently put well over £100 in and not had a win bigger that a quid, and that for some reason I love. Didnt love that when I was feeding with real 10ps like.

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