57 files
Astra Games WOW Hybrid Party Time £25 30p 3 Player MFME v19.8
By itspartytime
Hi all!
Pleased to announce my latest release - new run of Astra WOW 'Hybrid' cabs - which are Pluto 6 Based cabs - running on Legacy io3 roms.
Party Time WOW 3 Player - 30p £25 86% payout - using Arena io3 roms, lamps are done sympathetically as per WOW Builds - and this should make it easier to run this layout on a lower spec PC or Laptop as there is hardly any lamping used.
This has been beta tested - this is v0.03 after a few tweaks made. I hope you all enjoy it as I have done in making this.
Usual shortcuts apply - A for Auto Start.
Please use v19.8 MFME for this to play and run correctly. - DEDICATED TO WIZARD 🙂
Enjoy all! Next layout to follow - BULLION BARS WOW £25.
Luke - AKA AstraLuke / YT: astrafruitmachinecollector
EDIT PS any opening issues ensure using V19.8 MFME - or try this resolution from a member:
Open 4 x windows and open each of them the Main one, the game 1, 2 and 3 then making sure no menus are shown, Press Alt and L to link them all then press Ctrl + R to restart them all and they should play okay
Astra - Wicked Willie
By Clo06
Astra - Wicked Willie
Tech: Astrasys1
Do you have a Wicked Willie? (Please don't answer that), if not then here's two of them.
One is £4 Jackpot, the other is £8 Jackpot and both are 20p play.
Keyboard shortcuts in the notes.
Thanks to:
Wizard (RIP) for MFME.
Mr P's and @Amot for the images and roms used
@Pook for the feature reel
@dadfor his classic
@AK45for testing
Plays in MFMEV20.1 only
Big Time £15 Dx (Big Ten art)
By vectra666
Whilst search the roms given to me ages back from @Geddy i stumbled upto these so loaded them up within my Big Ten/£15 layout and hey presto they ran!
So as you can see from the image the X's are at £5 and Bar's £10 so a different prize ratio to the normal £1/£5, again as i've no real images of the actual machine i've basically redecalled Big Ten to suit as the lamps etc are the same, this appears to go down to £6tokens? £3 cash?
this layout is unlocked incase the real images of Big Time show up
Plays in mfme v20.1
Enjoy this different variant and Happy Gaming!!!
Colour of Money Casino 30p/£15 - Astra
By No1Stoney
Here is Colour of Money Casino by Astra. Set on 30p/£15/90% .
I saw this machine switched off in the corner of an arcade so took some discreet snaps to see if I could make a DX of it.
So from the photos I quickly managed to grab, I've done the best I can to create a DX. It was on £5 play so I've had to redraw some £15 decals as I didn't think £5 would be very entertaining to play!
Hope you enjoy playing it.
Any problems let me know
Astra Games Double Cash Bar Top £15
By itspartytime
Hey Everyone!
I am very excited to release MFME's first ever Bar Top Astra Machine (single players)!
Double Cash 30p £15 JP
Huge thanks to Tristan aka TTX, for machine images and for assisting with rom file and lamping.
And artwork adapted from TTX's pics and editing and reels by yours truely!
Usual shortcuts apply, and more Astra bar top releases to follow in coming weeks ahead, hopefully Classic Slot & Ready To Roll at some point - which I own
Dedicated to Wizard as always
Enjoy! Peace x
Astra Games Bullion Bars CLASSIC Rebuild 10p £5jp
By itspartytime
Hey Everyone,
Been working very hard behind the scenes, and I am proud to release the Astra Games Bullion Bars Classic Rebuild layout
10p Play £5 JP - 40p stars version - never released before on MFME.
The slave cabinets are my own built from scratch, my own reel bands used top box and slaves, and completely remastered the top box and used original decals as per the factory original, even managed to perfect the blue lamps behind the Astra Logo on each player!
Thank you to rom provider ( you know who you are ), and to Dan & Andy for being my beta testers.
Shortcuts usual, but 9 = 10p coins in.
**As always dedicated to Wizard**
Hope you all enjoy this much highly anticipated layout. I will hope to reuse these cabinets for the £25/£35 and hard £5 version in due course, if demand is there of course.
Peace - AstraLuke 🙂
King Cash £10/25p Dx
By vectra666
Its king cash again, re-decaled to the £10 jackpot and using the earlier v103 roms (v106 in the £15 layout) whether it plays better remains to be seen
thanks to Hitthesix for the original layout
King Cash £15 Dx
By vectra666
A quicky from me, whilst searching the internet for random shite, i found a image for this so made up a dx, it's not the best due to the image used which i'll post in the main thread of this but as its a Lo-tech i think i got away with it!! Also unlocked if better images arise for a revamp.
Thanks goto
@hitthesix for his classic which saved me time searching for lamps etc
and to google lol
not sure if the reels are supposed to be lit but like the classic they ain't in here.
Usual shortcuts apply
play in mfme v20'1
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Stay Safe, Stay in , Play FME!!!
Astra Games HOT X 3 Player
By itspartytime
Hi all,
Been a long while, this is my first 2020 release, I am delighted to announce the long awaited
Astra Hot X 3 Player by Astra Games 2004 era.
Fully tested by two BETA testers, only issue is no auto play button yet...! if someone finds that out which button number it is - let me know for update! lol
This has taken me about 6 weeks to get images and photo shop this into my own MFME Astra cabinet, and I am very proud of this release and dedicate it to the late Wizard. (Genius).
Enjoy, dedicated to 30p £25 Jackpot only.
I owned this machine 5 years ago, and I am utterly greatful for the rom provider! You know who you are
Requires v19.8 MFME to work
Peace - Luke x
Astra's hot x run classic
By hitthesix
Set on 20p play with the jackpot at £8 tokens, and 74%
thanks to the rom provider, spa for his google drive images,
dad and amusements for the pre release play/testing
and to wizard for his amazing emulator.
Astra's little devil classic
By hitthesix
Set on 25p play with the jackpot at ten pounds
thanks to the rom provider, spa for the images on his google drive,
bullionbars, vectra,dad, amusements, and wac, for the pre release testing
and to wizard for the amazing emulator.
usual shortcuts apply
Astra's twin dragons classic
By hitthesix
Set on 20p with the jackpot at £8 tokens
thanks to the rom provider, dad and amusements, for the pre release testing.
and thanks to wizard for his amazing emulator
sadly i couldn't find any images of this machine.
so i came up with this.
Double Jackpot PDX
What can I say. I didn't realise that Wizard had passed away when I made this and I guess he must have inspired me somehow to do something totally different but not too different, if that makes sense.
Here's my PDX of Astra's Double Jackpot but based in a 'One Armed Bandit' as they've always been known.
Many, many thanks and apologies to @hitthesix for the original Classic layout and for kindly letting me leave this on as I was and still am in shock of Wizards sad departure from this world.
I dedicate this to Wizard and I'm sure that MFME will live on forever!!!
Astra's double jackpot classic
By hitthesix
Set on 30p play/ £15 jackpot
thanks to the rom provider, dad for sending me the started layout a while back
spa for his images, bullionbars and vectra for testing
and to wizard for his "piece of brilliance" emulator.
It's ready.
Astra's big cash classic
By hitthesix
Set on 30 play with the jackpot at £15 and 82%
thanks to the rom provider, dad for the reel images and to wizard for the amazing emulator
25 Carat Diamonds £25 Dx
By vectra666
Next up is more Lo-Tech Goodness from Astra the Bees Knees of Lo-Tech imo.
this like many others is a clone of a clone, very similar to Maygay's 25 carrot gold released earlier in the month
Thanks goto
@Gary for supplying the roms and the image used for this
@hitthesix for the started base layout as me being thick couldn't workout door switches etc as thick at that lol!!
@Wizard maybe for initial layout help as stated on the starter layout notes and for Mfme's past and present.
Shortcuts are as Standard, if going into test mode the Transfer key is to the right side of the layout.
Play this in MFME V20.1+
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!
Astra's king cash classic
By hitthesix
Thanks to the rom provider, and wizard for the amazing emulator
this one is set on 30p with the jackpot at /£15
the usual shortcuts apply
Ring-A-Bell £15 Dx
By vectra666
Roll Up, Roll Up Hit the Hammer and reach for the top to Ring the Bell if you can!!!
Here we have a old'ish astra machine called ring a bell probably made before triple bell (the other dx i made) and this is running the later rarer £15 roms
Thanks goto via the Mecca
DAD for the £15 roms
Hitthesix for the original £8 classic layout
and to Nev for working out the dip switch setting and for uploading the images used within this layout
some of the lamps may not be in their correct positions but they appear to lit up ok
the "ring a bell" feature likes to hold after losing i just had it hold six or seven times for £36, and the bank will kick out at £60 you can change it to £75 via test mode
Shortcuts are as standard
Play this in MFME V19.8+
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Game of Fortune German ver. 2
By Spidy21982
overworked version with good pics.
corrected some things that where wrong in the last version.
have fun.
Astra's hot reel classic
By hitthesix
Thanks to the rom provider, and charlie raymondo superbank and dad for the pre release bash
set on 30p play with the jackpot at £25.
sadly i couldn't find any images of this one
so best to release as a beta classic
in the hope of some images appearing in the none too distant future.
and finally the usual massive thank to wizard for his continuous emulator updates
Game of Fortune
By Spidy21982
Game of Fortune German
not the best quality but better than nothing.
have fun!
- astra
- spidy21982
- (and 1 more)
Ready to Roll(s) £10 & £15 Dx's
By vectra666
Here's a dual release of the other two jackpot settings of ready to roll, £10 and the £15 one which is using v202 of the roms
BIG thankyou goes to Amusements on here for sorting out the changed decals for these layouts they look spot on mate!!!
Also to hitthesix for the original classic layout these and the £5 edition this is based on
the top logo lamps are still probably wrong but still look ok during play, the £15 version had the "gold run" during test so they do this streak sometime
Play these in Mfme v19'8+
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Triple Bell £8 Dx
By vectra666
Roll Up!!! Roll Up!!!!
Try your luck on this game, hook a duck or fill yer boots with tokens. Hit the Hammer to reach the top Bell for the Jackpot.
Slight lamping issue, i've tried for a age to get the top bell lamps correct including the lightining strikes on either side, i still don't think thy'er correct so if someone who knows can workout the correct order please Pm me so i can correct the layout 100% accurate. but this doesn't affect the gameplay far from it, this game loves to give its £8 token jackpot and was a joy to make apart from the lamp issue and the continuous "london bridge is falling down" on the nudge jingle lol
Shortcuts are as standard (triple bell is shortcut = T)
plays in mfme v19'8+
Enjoy the sounds of the funfair all over again and Happy Gaming!!!
Astra's Ready to Roll £5 Dx
By vectra666
Here we have a fun little Astra lo tech a similar clone to barcrest's red hot roll
Ready to Roll this has four "Rolls" mixed/blue/red and a Gold series
Not sure if the "gold" ready to roll lamps are in the right order as not had that rarer feature whilst test, so if anyone gets it please let us know if they're right or not!!
Thanks goto
Hitthesix for 75% of the lamping positions
eBay for the images used, including the reel symbols
this rom version was from hitthesix's version so is switchable to £10 not sure if it'll go to £15
there is other rom versions which i'll upload separately, did they ever release this on a token setting?
Shortcuts are as standard
the 10p's in is the left hand side of the coin slot or shortcuts = 9
£1's in is the right hand side of the con slot or shortcut = 0
Plays in Mfme 19.8+
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Astra's Big 15 - £15 Dx
By vectra666
Layout now with correct £2 decal thanks to Amusments for sourcing the correct font to remake the £2 also added big 15 jackpot symbols to the top cash tiers
lamps now blended around the machine edges to
not sure if the original machine would say BIG10 or Big15 on the top logo? as no images around for this jackpot level.
Plays in Mfme 19.6+ only
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!