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2 screen MFME?


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Has only body ever built a 2 screen cabinet for use with MFME? I would love to know if its possible to do this by maybe having a smaller screen set at 90 degrees with the reels on and then the rest of the features on a vertical screen so it looks like a real machine, is this even possible or is mfme designed to just play on a single screen? Im thinking of building one and just wondered what others build. Thank you in advance.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The OP has described exactly the type of MFME cab I would love to have and have been thinking about for a number of years now - ideally an old MPU3 cab converted to use the two screens with the intention that it would resemble as closely as possible a Line Up cab or other similar MPU3 when running MFME, so you'd have to look closely to notice that it is not an original machine with the only difference being the top and bottom glasses replaced by screens but everything else original or repro.

I collect pins and early 80s dedicated vids but although I really miss the mpu2-4 fruities and as much as Id love to have a collection of real machines like some do, I don't have the room to justify such a collection of old fruities when the risk/reward of your own money is removed at home. However the emulators are great for a nostalgia trip.

From looking around over the years, I believe the output to two screens to mirror the top glass and bottom glass areas where the reels are, has been done.  However, this would be way beyond my skills to build although I would happily pay someone to build something like this for me.

I'm sure it's possible although  I don't believe many have done it yet as the one screen solution appears a lot simpler. For me, I don't see enough benefit of having a MFME cab if it doesn't look authentic enough to make it worth pursuing, but the two screen in an MPU3 style cab would be amazing.

Interested if anyone else has got anywhere with this type of project?






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So my Vegas Strip cabinet (converted to MFME) runs on two screens perfectly - but it's easy as both screens are the same size and resolution.

The issue would be running two screens of different sizes and different resolution. It may well be doable, but at the same time I'm not sure if it would require additional artwork / layout tweaking to make it work.

MPU3 cabs don't look too bad as the glasses don't appear to be massively different sizes. Then again I'm not sure having 2*16:9 panels would give ideal results as your top glass would appear squished compared to the bottom glass? A 16:9 for the bottom and 16:10 for the top would probably be better but not sure how well MFME would like it. I'd like to believe that as long as the horizontal resolution matches on both screens (say a 1920x1200 for the top glass and 1930x1080 for the bottom) that Windows and MFME would just stack the screens correctly?

Never tried it though so would like to see if someone else has done it 


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Happy non-gambler since 1st January 2025!
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Many thanks for the reply and info.  Great to hear that someone has done it with two separate screens and it works! Your cab looks great and you've done a great job, although personally as I say I really want an mpu3 style one.

Understand it would be harder with different sizes unless the Mpu3 cab happens to be same size top and bottom which I guess is possible but unlikely and likewise not sure of the measurements. And ideally you wouldn't want to have to tweak the layout for each machine but would be willing to do if necessary and hopefully if once done one, it would be quick and easy for others.

Look forward to hearing if anyone has done this for different sized screens.


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41 minutes ago, merivaman41 said:

@slotsmagic wow this looks an awesome machine/cab and at 1st look appears real :D and is exactly what i would like to achive minus the payout hopper as im only using digital money.

It was a real machine, while I believe it's probably better to make a cabinet from scratch with a plan, I tend to just convert my machines as they break without a plan :D

Happy non-gambler since 1st January 2025!
(if anyone else needs or wants to quit, I recommend Allen Carr's 'Easyway to Stop Gambling'.

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  • 7 months later...
On 07/02/2024 at 22:25, slotsmagic said:

So my Vegas Strip cabinet (converted to MFME) runs on two screens perfectly - but it's easy as both screens are the same size and resolution.

The issue would be running two screens of different sizes and different resolution. It may well be doable, but at the same time I'm not sure if it would require additional artwork / layout tweaking to make it work.

MPU3 cabs don't look too bad as the glasses don't appear to be massively different sizes. Then again I'm not sure having 2*16:9 panels would give ideal results as your top glass would appear squished compared to the bottom glass? A 16:9 for the bottom and 16:10 for the top would probably be better but not sure how well MFME would like it. I'd like to believe that as long as the horizontal resolution matches on both screens (say a 1920x1200 for the top glass and 1930x1080 for the bottom) that Windows and MFME would just stack the screens correctly?

Never tried it though so would like to see if someone else has done it 


hello, how do you manage to get there, what is your screen configuration because, as I answered you in another thread, I cannot get that results on my side ? Thanks :)




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