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Found 18 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    thanks to wizard for mfme. massive and real kudos to @monkeyboypaul for his incredible patience and support with images and time to allow me to recreate a part of my playing years in such a way. thanks to @vectra666 for the lovely cabinet, the coin effects and the continued assistance to get things working when i lose my patience! there is a forum wide knowledge that i'm a bad listener and as such these are as big as i can make them, that means they'd stutter with the middle lamp blended. I have therefore used my artistic lack of skill to lamp it as best possible to avoid any slow down in attract etc.. ( yes i'll learn now ) I've used the best parts of many images to add as many true to life representations of the machine, i've used on images for multiple lamps in lamp test mode from the images provided in the hope to increase the effect and pleasure gained from a bashing. I was tempted to redraw (badly) you'll all be glad I didn't! never was the best game of all the monopoly and definitely the jpms of the era but has a place in my heart for it's pure "sets appeal" just to add, as my health has been improving i've found myself out and about again, this is a total opposite to the year before and is why i've been less visible recently, I'm just taking this opportunity to once again thank all users and many need singling out tbf but all in all, I am so glad to the site for the help and support afforded me in many ways through a hard time, i've got some wips, i've got the passion still and i'll be about here and there (gutted eh ) It's been great seeing new designers making strides into the scene and long may that continue. best wishes to all. Woodsy.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Guys. I am really pleased to be able to bring you a 1980's JPM classic called Double Top. This is the £2 version of Nudge Double Up Deluxe, which was massively popular up and down the UK back in the early 80's. This download includes a 78% ROM layout, and an 80% updated ROM layout. (Let me know if you can see a difference in game play) Thanks go to Louie Bee for Rom set 1, and to Midi Bob for Rom set 2 (fruitemu.co.uk). Thanks to TopShaun for play testing, and Wizard for final pre-release checks, and of course for bringing us MFME:):) Short cuts are in the Read Me file. Have fun guys:)
  3. Version 1.1.0


    Hi guys... Here is a brand new 40 year old layout! - Lite a Nudge (MK1) from JPM, running SRU Tech:) This is a complete redraw, and is 2572(W) x 2880(H) made for MFMEv20.1. For shortcuts and info please refer to the README.txt Special thanks go to the following people: Wizard (1965-2020) MFME creator. Midibob (fruitemu.co.uk) for providing the extremely rare ROMS. Richy100 for the enclosed Lite a Nudge flyer. Line Up Chris (fruitemu.co.uk) for the bell pics and youtube vids, they always help me with colours and text.
  4. Spidy21982

    JPM Star Wars

    Version 1.0.0


    The new Star Wars movie is out, its time for the layout. have fun ! build with MFME 6.1 May the force be with you
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Guys. Welcome to my second layout. Since I found out that this game was in fact a System 80 game in an SRU cabinet (thanks Ploggy), and that Dad (dadsfme.co.uk) had the roms I thought I would put my house moving/waiting around time to good use. Unfortunately there was practically no artwork for this when I started, so I redrew everything from scratch, using an old flyer Ploggy posted, and endlessly watching 3 low res videos on youtube. Anyway after about 60-70 hours of clicking away, and learning new techniques, I came up with something resembling the original game. Thanks go to Tommy c for providing some additional pics, Vectra666 for his input, Dad who has been testing the layout, and giving feedback, and of course Wizard who has made this all possible:) Have fun......Amusements
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Hi everyone. I am pleased to release the iconic Red 10p Super Eachway Shuffle. This layout was originally made for the Mini Fruit Machine project started on Fruitemu.co.uk which is still a work in progress. I will try and keep an update about the project on fruitmachine.co. As usual, this is a 4K redraw, and is already rigged up for those of you with cabinets. The manual for this was in yesterday's release blue (Eachway Shuffle), so is not included again this time. Thanks again to Launton over at fruitemu.co.uk for the ROMS (Completely different from yesterday, and tomorrows release). Thanks to Dad (dadsfme.com) for testing. As always thanks to Wizard for bringing us MFME. Happy Christmas:) Come back tomorrow for part 3!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Guys Here is my third release for this Christmas called Silver Shuffle. This was a 2p game we used to love playing back in the very early 80's. Unfortunately there are no know pictures of this machine apart from the following side view As I had already drawn the 10p Super Eachway Shuffle (red), and converted it to the 5p EachWay Shuffle (blue), I only had to draw from memory the rest:) As far as I know this was a Rodstock conversion which used the original JPM reels. Special Thanks go to: Louie Bee for the rare 2p ROMS (fruitemu.co.uk) @alex74 for testing and of course Mr. Wizard for MFME:) This layout is preset for cabinets. Readme file has all the shortcuts needed. Happy Christmas and New Year:)
  8. Version 1.0.0


    wizard RIP. Thanks to the top shelf artists @Tommy c & @Pook for the JpEmu conversion and original reels and layout that i used the reels from and copied lamp numbers over from with a little help from @vectra666 confirming there is no trail held lamp although it is on the flyer. this is another JPM i've never played in the wild and thankfully so as i'm well behind on it haha, although i have found two of twelve features are jackpot.. again there is an existing smaller dx available from the legacy section, this is larger and has different overlays but that's about it. if you still have to budget your downloads and have a copy already you have a choice to make as always, right.... >>> WOODSY
  9. woodsy


    Version 1.0.0


    wizard rip thanks to @pandy for the jpemu conversion. @trouty for the original. thanks to @MikeyPosh for playtesting and corrections thanks to @vectra666 for the updated pear symbols from the jpm reel range now in stock in the downloads section.. I've had the hardest time getting new cards made for the disc reel and the disc reel itself so go easy on me eh.. this is one of few JPM'S i'd never played before and as such had no idea how to play it, all i can say is it LOVES to hold after nudge and barcode is easy to work out for stop n step. on the original flyer and disc reel is a space for the wheel to display a feature, that's been removed from mine as it has no function that isn't needed or covered by gameplay after extensive testing. it's my opinion that it is for displaying the feature to be given when activated which is displayed by lamps anyway.. however if anyone knows different tell me and i'll look into finding a way to make it work.. hope you enjoy it. WOODSY
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Thanks to @Wizard for my smiles. Thanks to @Pook i believe for converting from JPeMu. and thanks to the other creators involved with this game who i don't know to thank... edited: [forgot to thank @logopolis and @MikeyPosh for playtesting] this is a game last edited and released in 3.0. although the existing dx's are perfectly fine this is larger and lamped differently in my usual style.. AWESOMELY the number reel for the feature game has new overlays which i'm particularly proud of this was a daily game for me for ten years or so and its feature happiness and frequency was a great way to build up my pocket or help with a few quick fast cash £5's + to keep me playing in times of trouble profit/loss wise... It also used to be one where you'd walk along and see it had a 2 on the line and 2 on the trail with add 10p to play scenario that would hold off 10p give a board of the bonus give fast cash for a fiver... now just think if you can make a fiver for 10p here and there your pocket stays afloat on its own and that reason puts this game in the bracket of fair and enjoyable play which i love the most. next up will be a game by JPM i've never played in the wild but have begun to love in mfme.. and yes another already existing release from 3.0. feel free to get reaquainted with it until it's finished and if anyone knows how it should be played I for one would love to know.... POWERSPIN.... OH and one little extra bit of fun for all you stop n step heads out there... feel free to take screenshots of your emergency stop reels. it's a triple stop n step so in theory if you're good enough you can hit the three reels in turn and try and get jp on all three.. i've missed 6 of 6 haha @logopolis 1 for 1 i believe.. screenshots please people!! WOODSY
  11. Version 1.0.0


    german version from red alert. Merry christmas.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Happy Christmas everyone - Time to open your Christmas present! It is with great pleasure that I can now release - Nudge Double Up (MK1) from JPM, running SRU Tech:) This is a complete redraw, and is 2777(W) x 2880(H) made for MFMEv20.1. For shortcuts and info please refer to the README.txt Special thanks go to the following people: Wizard (1965-2020) MFME creator. Launton (fruitemu.co.uk) for his collection of reel symbol scans, and providing the elusive and extremely rare ROMS. Richy100 & Paul Gee (fruitemu.co.uk) for getting me glass measurements off Pauls Eachway Nudger, and finding out how old this machine was. Line Up Chris (fruitemu.co.uk) for his Youtube videos, which helped me decypher some unreadable text.. Have super Christmas and happy new year:)
  13. Version 1.0.0


    here´s my next release from a german jpm machine with impact tech called samurai. have fun video from my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9b8IP3ln9M
  14. Version v19.1


    Hi Guys For my 3rd release, I have redrawn the original lucky 2's from JPM. Unfortunately I found no pictures of this anywhere and had to rely on a youtube video of it. However after a couple of weeks of clicking away, we now have something that resembles the real thing to play. Read me file is in the folder with shortcuts and general info. A big thanks to Ploggy for testing and invaluable help, Richy1976 for sending sound files, the guys over at the Mecca for the roms, and Wizard for the emu!!! Thanks also goes to Reg for hosting this site.
  15. Amusements

    Club Vegas DX

    Version 1.0.0


    Hi Guys Here is an ultra rare, 1982 JPM club machine called Club Vegas running on System 80 Tech. Thanks to Louie Bee on for uploading the ROMS, and some pictures to fruitemu.co.uk, and to the wonderful Wizard for MFME, and keeping it well and truly alive:):) Shortcuts and further info is in the Read Me file, and as a special treat, Richy100 on fruitemu.co.uk has provided us with the original flyers for this machine! (see inside the folder). Have fun guys:)
  16. Version 1.0.0


    MFME 6.1 have fun ! video from my youtube channel : Schloß Drachenstein
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Guys Here is my updated version of Nudge Shuffle from May last year. Now in a cabinet and with many other updates:) Thanks go to LIAM (fruitemu.co.uk) for the enclosed Manual:) Dad for the ROMs:) Wizard for the amazing work he does bringing us MFME!! I hope you enjoy this amazing piece of 80's history:)
  18. Amusements

    Bar 7 (Sys80)

    Version 1.0.0


    Hi Guys I have an extra special Christmas treat for you today, with my deluxe version of the ultra rare JPM classic Bar 7! Once again this is using USA ROMS, however this plays identical to the UK version. The only difference as far as I know, is the lack of 50p change, and token payouts. If the UK ROMS ever turn up, the artwork will not need altering because I have drawn the UK version. Short cuts and full info is in the included READ ME.txt A Bar 7 Manual is included (Personality pack) A Bar 7 Flyer is included Now some special thanks to the following people for making this project possible. Ian Eason for providing the ROMS, and sending them to Riche100 specially for this project. Richy100 (fruitemu.co.uk) for providing the additional Bar 7 flyer and the Personality Pack. Our very own Reg for final testing. ..And Finally a big thanks goes to Wizard, for giving us MFME and all his support:) Thanks Guys, and Happy Christmas
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