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Everything posted by woodsy

  1. GORGEOUS!1! i'm so in love again!!! fingers crossed we can get this going at some point... i don't think i ever made it all the way along the board... BUST every time
  2. ah man thats the best game from my youth.. boobs!!! hahah please can you upload some really good photos!!! i'll be happy to dx it with the love it deserves.. and pray with me for the result we want eh matey
  3. Arghhh feel into a chipped one on my travels once couldn’t give red features or wild thing. Disgusting really
  4. Man I loved dizzy!!!!! That egg and me went through some times!!! That and spellbound!!!
  5. Tell you what he doesn’t say very often now!! Blobby blobby blobby haha
  6. Oh well, got ahead of myself again, what’s mame? Will it work on that? Seems attributed to the site on planet emu but it’s so new to me. Is it Worth trying to load up the roms and see what happens maybe?
  7. That’s it, I found the roms now and have been creating layouts! Over excited haha.. I’m going to take a look at that now and I hope but fear I remember now
  8. I found the roms on planet emu but no idea if they work etc, it’s a game from my childhood but it’s not been done yet.. called oh what a carry on £3 jp there’s a video thread on fe showing a broken one https://www.fruit-emu.com/forums/topic/53145-what-a-carry-on-pcp-buttons-gone-crazy/
  9. Is that type of machine one that I can emulate? I don’t have the same knowledge about things or the way it works etc but I’m hoping that I can do it, would have a big dot matrix display and would be a classic only! Think someone said something about the reels being a issue but maybe wrong!?! Thanks
  10. it's not going to be a overnight process for me or AS, however i need to upgrade and this time i wont be doing it blindly for once.. the help already recieved has been invaluable well £500+ish haha
  11. now that sounds of use as i'm sofa surfing etc and having flexible options is apealing
  12. thats really awesome advice and i'm sure plenty of the community will appreciate it!!! i certainly do
  13. Sorry jp much happier here discussing but didn’t mean to spam if I did
  14. woodsy


    Yeah @vectra666 luck club almost done.. have a crack at some oldies
  15. I’m much the same!! Thought I had a good one as it had a big screen 4g ram and office (which I don’t use) haha I still thought mine was 1024 etc so for a big screen
  16. perfect matey, did't want to flood the other thread but definitely needed yo get something up and running, as above shows i'm not alone
  17. totally agreed... thanks guys.. jp you're a legend
  18. thanks dude as it says un opened i can see about a new one on credit maybe.. just soo bloody many variants!!! thanks
  19. yeah that was a push.. i'm truly clueless. just wish it was easier to understand the minimum spec as a simple list.. too much at once for me maybe.. thanks tho
  20. Cheers pal unfortunately I’m not able to reach that high just yet, thanks a lot for looking!! Are they the specs I need? I5, 8gb ram, and useable graphics card not integrated at least?
  21. Thanks if I can get the serial number for the laptop needed I can buy new for up to 330 Ish. But don’t go out of your way!! Thanks
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