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Everything posted by vectra666

  1. here you go not perfect regarding the green edging but copied the 6 n 7 cards B is the same brightness as your original C is slighty darker, both made bigger but can be reduced again (2595 x 2595) 595x595_B.zip 595x595_C.zip
  2. I had super series or whatever it's called and it paid£16 in tokens although the layout itself needs a token input rather than the 10p one to make it true. @reg I coulcould probably do the flashburn on the image by copying\ duplicating the 6' card but a perfect circle is where I'm stuck on. I find it hard to draw a straight line let along a curved one lol, that's why I've never done a disc reeled layout.
  3. Today's your lucky day, Thanks goto richy1976 for the images uploaded to fruit-emu from eBay http://www.fruit-emu.com/forums/gallery/image/3414-disk-reel/
  4. nice one could never get this converted
  5. Like me lol, well not all the time, some of what appear to be simple can infact be the hardest, it all depends if everything falls into place.
  6. the sound roms i take it you've checked here?? https://www.emuparadise.me/roms/search.php?query=club+twister&section=all here's set 3 from the site whats the sound rom number you have? club twister roms set3.zip
  7. looks great reel symbols check out layouts like ceasers palace or crazy casino maybe even club roller coaster ready to rumble is another try the same layouts as mentioned for hopper settings too
  8. cheers tommy, on my club cops i had to re align reels plus there's no sounds
  9. i've tried it on mine but haven,t shoved enough into it, only about £50. don't suppose you've a happier ram tommy where the cashpots are fuller etc for no1 public enemy that is.
  10. can't seam to access the diy fixes topic over @fruit-emu or it won't scroll down the page due to fruit-emu's site problems so if ok i'll start a new one via here Anyways just played the oldie Indiana Jones 1280 layout and noticed the 20p button is incorrect, for 20p Tokens it should be button number 76 and remember to add meter 3-1 in configurations. found this out during refill test mode. If any other fixes for mfme6+ are found they can be added to this topic
  11. didn,t guitar have this machine
  12. funny you should say this my ps cs4 portable started erroring so deleted it and re-installed it and now its fine although it doesn't respond sometimes its done me ok since ht6 gave me it 6 yrs back
  13. My top ten would be 1, Take two, barcrest 2, cash wise , bfm 3, roller coaster, jpm 4, Party time , astra 5, cash explosion 2p play, Bwb/bfm 6, Andy capp, barcrest 7, jumping jack flash , bellfruit (the sound are great) 8, cash counter, barcrest 9, 777 heaven, project coin. 10, cop's n robber's, bfm Plus many many more!!!
  14. Syco isn't that something to do with Simon cowell company as in X factor etc
  15. Cheers pook, that spank the banker you upped for me, although it was of a hi res it is still fairly grainy maybe due to the machine only on half the flyer space. Walk of wealth I'd be interested in as isn't that one of the first few donds made, do you have "what's in your box". £35 If no body else takes the rest on, I'd give a few more the dx treatment if needs be.
  16. there is a decent flyer knocking about somewhere so maybe a revisit sometime. maybe ross himself could revisit this layout, wonder if the actual sound roms are about
  17. thanks to wearecity for giving it a go and thanks to reg and Wizard for finalising this, one layout i'd be after for a while but due to my laptop capabilities was unable to play this thanks again to all invovlved are those feature balls supposed to look split or should the sphere's be completely coloured?
  18. thanks again, any chance of Kapang being converted
  19. i forget sorry blonde moment lol
  20. all cool then lol, i converted a few jpmemu's that were too big for my screen at the time. maximum overdrive and big nite out was a couple, also there's a few bfemulator layouts still to be converted but they're harder to do.
  21. didn,t fix the jpemu version for me neither
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