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Everything posted by MPU_FIVE

  1. Link in case @Road Hog Madneeds them.... https://www.arcadeworlduk.com/products/awuk-mini-momentary-arcade-button-black-surround-with-convex-coloured-plunger.html
  2. I will be watching to see what he can make with them if he does!
  3. Could always hack these tiny little beauties to hold a tiny LED and create a tiny MFME control pad perhaps!
  4. No worries! I'm pretty sure you're correct in saying it is a MFME related problem @woodsy... In the case of Pinball Wizard, it wasn't a problem in earlier versions of MFME Agree, it's wierd a tablet can run it ok... what kind of tablet is it i wonder? - I thought MFME only runs in windows 10 - is @Altharic running it on an Android tablet somehow? - would love to see what he's running it on and how he got a tablet to run it! MFME on the go... now would'nt that be cool!
  5. Hello @vectra666 and @woodsy Here is a pic of the box my monitor came in... it's a 27" FHD LG monitor. Resolution is set to 1080 x 1920 in windows. Here's a video of me putting Daylight Robbery into edit mode...
  6. Tried without the MFME Keyboard attatched and reels behave the same so it isn't the Pacdrive...
  7. There's my stats... shame it does'nt recognise the GPU... damn snobby Microsoft rejecting poor peoples graphics cards! lol. Hmm maybe the Pacdrive slows it a bit... will try without and see if it makes a difference...
  8. I can't really afford a brand new PC but do you think something like one of these refurb jobbies would do MFME justice? https://www.tier1online.com/292-t3610/refurbished-dell-precision-t3610-intel-xeon-e5-1620-v2-quad-3-70ghz-nvidia-quadro-k4000-32gb-dvd
  9. May also be blended lamps slowing it down on mine too, as even a DX of JPM's Pinball Wizard goes all jumpy and lamps freeze when trying to scatter lamps such as in the cash column when doing knockouts.
  10. It uses a Intel Quad-core Q6600 processor 2.40Ghz 8Gb Ram Windows 10 ATI Radeon HD2600 Graphics card but Windows 10 does'nt us it AFAIK... Yeah when i went full screen max it all went grey to begin with and i thought it had crashed.... then it popped up on screen so yes, guess it's res is too high for mine to handle...
  11. Oh that would be amazing to see a new Degsy Degworth channel back on YouTube, @Chopaholic! Your channel was one of my go-to channels, and i would look forward to a weekly (or bi-weekly) Degsey video! - especially if it was about FME or the low ebbs ones... i never really watched the online slots ones as online slots don't interest me one bit - but smashing to hear you could be back--- it's your amazing commentary that made the videos so special... i know other fruit machine channels are there, but they don't have commentary and that makes them unwatchable for me. Fingers and toes crossed for your return! Cheers Gary. 777
  12. @woodsyI was playing your brilliant DX of Daylight Robbery the other day, but sadly my computer can't handle it... when reels spin they don't spin smoothly, they kind of jump to their positions, but if i hold a reel so only 2 spin, they do spin smoothly... Time for a new PC i guess (which i can't afford) - one i'm using is a 2007 Dell XPS420 (8gb ram) Windows 10 - (which ignores the HD2600 graphics card) - damned Microsoft!
  13. Cheers, @woodsy.... i went for the £15 one as i'd imagine it'd play better as it hasn't got to save up for the bigger £25 jackpot! Agree with @JRSC01about the forthcoming Pot of gold... played that loads in Nobles, Margate back in the day... them were the days! - better than these days thats for sure... this cost of living shit is really getting me down! I sound like Gary King from the film the world's end "I remember sitting up there, blood on my knuckes, beer down my shirt, sick on my shoes seeing the orange glow of a new dawn breaking knowing in my heart life would never feel this good again.... and you know what? - It never did!" Anyway, cheers for this release, matey!
  14. Wow! Cheers @woodsy I still remember making my absolute bodge of a classic for this - way back in 2007. Remember (mainly watching my mate play this) in Nobles on Margate seafront, way back in 1997 - 1998 i think. Ahh Nobles! - I loved it in there... loads of plays on Daytona USA (4 players linked up) - strutting my stuff on Dance Dance Revolution - it had a cafe in there too... 10p tea! Sausages, beans, 2 eggs and chips (and a tea) for about £3. Shame the bloody place burnt down, it was my absolute favourite arcade ever.... take me back to '98 pleeeeaassseee!!!!
  15. @jimmycoupeYou've done a smashing job of that, matey... brilliant. I recently made one myself and it really makes a difference... i like watching the buttons in attract mode, it's so damn cool!
  16. I could'nt believe i was so unlucky as to hit the "?" twice! I blame the fact i had my phone in the other hand filming while only having the right hand free to tap the button with... plus i deffo can't multi-task! Am now on the lookout for a new topic in the cabinet building section titled "Woodsy's MFME Keyboard - a work in progress".... I'm sure it'll be there soon!
  17. Hello! Been spending some time this evening playing my MFME Keyboard. It's bloody awesome having real arcade buttons with lights in them... Fantastic! Yesterday after assembling the keyboard, i only got 20 minutes play and had a power cut till 11.30 that night... the world did'nt want me playing my MFME Keyboard last night, lol! Massive thanks to everyone who's cheered me on, while on this journey, @Amusements for his tips on how to configure the Pacdrive to automatically find the lamps on the buttons... (well impressed with that feature) @Reg for the keyboard tutorial, which gave me the kick to make my own (albeit 5 years down the line!) and for checking my wiring diagram was correct @davep180 for support when i had a meltdown yesterday! and advice along the way. @No1Stoney also for checking my wiring plans were correct for me! @Wizard for his amazing emulator, without which, this awesome experience would never of been possible! anyway, tonights a work night, need my sleep, but will leave you with a video of the Keyboard in action playing Itallian Job 3.... My videomaking skills leave much to be desired! Cheers all, Gary. 777
  18. @davep180 Step 1 successful... next is Pacdrive in MFME...
  19. I just tested in notepad and the keys are set to the way i want them! Thank you for your help... Hopefully i won't have a meltdown on the Pacdrive side of things... that's next! Wish me luck!
  20. I found a youtube video saying i click on the pin on the picture of the ipac on screen, then select key from the drop down menu to configure it... been trying that, does it save what i have done? If so hopefully it will work....
  21. Cheers @davep180... I am stuck ... i don't know how to use the WinIpac configuration software... reg's tutorial does'nt explain how to use it, i don't want to press the wrong option in case i mess it up... is there anywhere that expains how to use it? Had a quick look for a video but only found someone configure on retropie and completely useless to me! Arrrrgh im so stressed!
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