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Everything posted by fatdad

  1. got these lovely's at the bootsale today.. £25 for both of them they are near mint. im posting this here as i posted it in the wrong category and dont know how to delete the other one..
  2. fatdad


    picked these lovelys up at bootsale this morning. both are near mint... £25 for the both
  3. Custer's Revenge how this ever got released ton the atari 2600 is crazy
  4. Left 4 Dead NES Pixel Force (Freeware) Gameplay (HD) not really a remake more of a demake..but its fun...
  5. 0:54 Alexander Armstrong disguised as sir clive sinclair
  6. Minefield no Vectrex?
  7. fatdad

    galaxy invader 1000

    i had mine wired up to the light display on my clock radio...it had the same voltage ... just had to wires hanging out the back of the clock...lol
  8. fatdad

    End of the 8-bit Era

    ahh man thats classic i rem it was either atari st or the amiga for another £100...
  9. space firebird... just love the sounds and gameplay
  10. my girlfriend worked in wellworths Friday and Saturday as a schoolgirl job and they sold zx speccy and all the other home micro games. she would bring me a load of them home to copy then bring them back in the next day
  11. thankyou for this...the pics of the microdrive looks like it was made by me...
  12. i remember either sinclair user or your sinclair having a feature about how the 48k speccy had the same insides as the 128k speccy and all the diffince was is a small program to tell it to run in 128k mode.. it had a program printed on the page that you could manualy type in and change the 48 speccy to 128... i sat there with my girlfriend typen in the code and we where both excited checking every line of code before pressing enter.. when i did the screen turned black then white and april fool scrowled up the screen..... they got us good.....lol
  13. Cassette 50 Games for the ZX Spectrum ..i have this somewhere in the attic.. i have nightmare of playing these games.. it should have been sold in a brown paper bag
  14. fatdad

    ZX Spectrum Next

    can i also ad this was the best fruit machine game i played before the pc fruit emu came along
  15. fatdad

    ZX Spectrum Next

    still have my zx spectrums in the attic along with all my games...even still have all my speccy books..... used to play so much i new the sound of a game failing to load by the tones... dont forget fruit machine simulator on the speccy...
  16. the only thing missing is a few cigarette burns on the buttons
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