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Everything posted by serene02

  1. Yeah the £15 could do 90. I was as shocked as my mate, J
  2. JPM’s from that era of numbering where player machines for sure. If you didn’t know about numbering you could get hammered on their machines, especially a £15 Rollercoaster that had just done its maximum top which was £90. It’s a fantastic machine though. J
  3. Oh, I know that Al Yes, obviously it's the coding that allowed these exploits, they just didn't always do things the correct way, I imagine it got a lot more complex once machines started having many pots and streak pots that needed catering for... but ask yourself this... If you could go back in time armed with the insight to all of those lovely emptiers over the years would you not get involved? It's a tricky one J
  4. This is just how the machine protects itself, like it or not, they have to be predetermined to an extent, they can’t chance a random gamble just in case. I expect this kind of coding from a compensated AWP and especially Club machines. I played extensively in the late 80’s and 90’s and I always knew the machine had to cheat you if it couldn’t afford that win. J
  5. Interestingly, there is at least one machine, maybe more, where we are privy to see extra info about how far the current gamble will let you climb to. I think it’s a Barcrest club machine called Club Tropicana. I don’t think the machine has a visible alpha display so adding one reveals some live machine stats. Gives an incite to how these machines where programmed to protect their percentage. J
  6. They aren’t hard wired, it’s just the initial start point. If the machine started with a different random seed this wouldn’t happen. It wouldn’t have been something they would have even considered. J
  7. You could ram reset most emulated fruit machines and they will play the exact same sequence if played the the same, I imagine anyway, I haven’t tested it. That’s just the result of a compensated machine and the way they are coded. Once you play differently the outcome will diverge obviously. J
  8. Thanks fella, much appreciated J
  9. Could someone upload Red Gaming - Top Giza DX here if possible. I downloaded it from FruitEmu a while back but the archive is corrupt so there is no .fml layout file. Thanks in advance. J
  10. It’s easy, if you want to download more roms/layouts then just make a donation to the site. Bandwidth isn’t free !! J
  11. JP and Andrew are looking into this? Is it CHR related? I don’t think mfme will ever run these as MFME is no longer being updated? Unless the roms can be modified? J
  12. Doesn’t this have issues emulation wise? I could be wrong though. J
  13. Wow RIP Clive Sinclair, sad news, what an interesting life he lived though. Very fond memories of the iconic ZX Spectrum. Horace goes Skiing and Cookie are two of the very first games I ever played on this outstanding micro at our next door neighbours house. It wasn’t until 1984 after playing Manic Miner at another friends house when I became obsessed with this machine. It’s one of those machines that’s very close to my heart, it defined my life in the 1980’s and beyond!! Thank you Clive Sinclair J
  14. @johnparker007 Hey dude l, I tried my fairly low spec mame cab and was extremely surprised that AS was very playable in this. My mame cab specs are Intel i5 2500k Quad Core GT710 2GB (Very low spec discrete graphics card) 8GB DDR3 memory Reels were slow but I disabled reel physics and everything works just fine. J
  15. This laptop should run AS perfectly. Possibly out of your budget, if you are getting credit though it might be doable for you? https://www.cclonline.com/product/msi-gf63-thin-10sc-gaming-laptop-15-6-inch-1920-x-1080-intel-core-i5-10300h-8gb-256gb-ssd-geforce-gtx-1650-bluetooth-microsoft-windows-10-home-9s7-16r512-059-353405/?gclid=CjwKCAjwyvaJBhBpEiwA8d38vG2V-8r3TzT7F6tgtsfCDb21hE8cyBjNoQTsFdmPO2Rffs2itB8FahoCprgQAvD_BwE J
  16. Yeah, tell me about it, I just got an RTX 3070ti for £900!! Shocking price but really needed to take the plunge. Got it on the work account but still I feel fleeced!! J
  17. I couldn’t advise you, I don’t know what kind of user experience you’d get from the UHD Intel graphics, I imagine it struggles somewhat. I’d go for a laptop with a GTX 1650 if you are buying new. You’d be looking at double your budget I’d say personally but I wouldn’t like to tell to get any specific one personally just in case. J
  18. @johnparker007 Hey dude, can you add a toggle for FPS? @cja272 That’s good to know at least. You are running a fairly recent CPU with UHD Intel graphics. Good to know though
  19. You will struggle to get anything decent enough to run AS in that price bracket unfortunately. Though you have options, maybe a second user desktop and buy a second user GTX based card. We've seen a GTX960 is more than capable. You'll easily get one for £95 - £125 price range, GPU only. I'll check the GPU in my mame cab to see how AS performs. It's a very low end discrete card so I don't expect it to perform that good. J
  20. I’d class that as a gaming laptop to be fair Strong CPU combined with the GTX 1050 is more than capable for 1080 gaming. J
  21. Spec details would be handy but AS scans for the required hardware to run, it sounds like you are running a low end laptop unfortunately. J
  22. I’d argue that AS will only run well on a gaming laptop. It’s all about the GPU, if your laptop doesn’t have a discrete GPU then AS will either not run at all or suffer from poor frame rates. J
  23. @Chopaholic Just echoing what JP said. Sorry to hear of your friends loss Al. I kind of felt weird liking the video. Take care bud. J
  24. @Road Hog Mad sorry for derailing the thread. J
  25. Still it depends on the dpi. Even a jpg image is decent enough if it’s a big enough resolution and dpi. We only ever used first generation jpg files for a local newspaper I worked for. The issue comes when you resave a jpg, it will compress the image data over and over again. J
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