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Grand Slam £1000 [UK] SC4 - DAMI 1.0.0

   (4 reviews)

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What an amazing community we have! I’d love to give something back for all that we’ve received from Chris, and I hope this brings you some joy. When I saw my name mentioned in a post about reel symbols, I was immediately inspired to give this machine the attention it deserves upon seeing the photos. Even here in the Netherlands, we have multiple versions of this fruit machine, and this one looks very similar to ours, both graphically and in terms of gameplay. Thank you, @Mort, for all the countless tips and details you’ve shared. Together, we’ve made it something truly special I think.

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Amazing attention to detail, I'd say possibly even a better redraw than what BFM did originally!

It's a layout I will now play forever, and it will take pride of place in my playable set.

Thanks for 'visiting' us, and sharing your work with us all to enjoy.

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Love playing this!

My mate once won about £300 in a casino off this and I was mighty jealous.

Anyone managed to get the JP off anything other than 3 x BFM on the win line, or is it just a coincidence it's happened to me 3 times???

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