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Noob Questions and is there a General Build Guild?


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I'm planning to build a MFME cab and am looking for some general advice on the build.


I apologise in advance that I've got a load of questions but I'm hoping maybe this thread could act as a guide for future builds.


I've had a quick look through the other posts on cab builds but can't seem to easily find a general guide for noobs or answers to the following questions please:


  • Is there a general guide anywhere to build an MFME CAB with the general steps involved and advice on configuring at each stage?
  • Is there somewhere to download all the ROMs/layouts all in one go? I've got a whole load of the files from a long time ago but a lot of these come up as blacklisted when I tried to run in the new version. I don't want all the files but would like around 300 or so and aside from the limits on downloads, it's going to take quite a while to grab all of them, so I was hoping there was somewhere you could get them all in one go?
  • Is there a guide for how to configure the ipac between the keyboard inputs and cab buttons?
  • Similarly, is there a guide for how to configure the pacdrive? Or do both of these have guide instructions with them when you buy them?
  • I believe the pacdrive. recognises coins when you put them through the slot and similarly operates the hopper for payouts. Again, is there a guide for how to configure these?
  • For my build, I'm looking looking to convert an old Deal Em CAB which would look like an MPU 4 BarCcest I believe. With this, I'd be hoping to use two separate screens, one for the top glass and one to replace the bottom one. These will both be different sizes so wondering if anyone has been able to output MFME to two different screens of different sizes? I see it’s been done where the screens are same size but not sure if for ones of different size?
  • Where do people get their old coins from? Or do they put in new coin mech in to accept current coins?
  • Is there a front end or user interface available for MFME as a launch menu and again if so a guide on how to configure?
  • I think I might need to add a next couple of extra buttons to the Deal Em cab..Where would I be able to get the Barcrest Style MPU 3/4.Buttons from?


I'm sure I'll have more questions as I work through things but would really appreciate any advice people can give on the above.


My first plan will be to try to get MFME running through the PC on the two separate screens of different sizes.


If this proves impossible, then I'll have to reconsider my approach and will probably go down the route of trying to convert a modern one screen cab which will be an awful lot easier, albeit not quite what I'd like in an ideal world. Because what I'm trying to do.Is emulate an old 80s fruit machine so.Looking from a distance, you wouldn't notice the difference. I did see a recent post where Slotsmagic had built a single screen cab and it did look good.for what it was.


As I say, appreciate any guidance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey mate I can try help you along the way I have recently built my own cab fully working, it's not easy but with some help and guiding you will be good, build wise you can download a full build that's what I did but the games don't come ready with the coins and hoppers set up so you will need to go into each game 1 by 1 to change that ( that's the step IAM on now) its easier if you just have your machine take £1 and 10p coins but I wanted all amd I wanted 3 hoppers so I can have a 2p hopper also, there are plenty of guides on here but if you do get stuck just drop me a message, i have done the 2 screens but i think it is possible as there is a split screen option in the settings but i have never tried that, i just wemt for 1 full screen, regarding the buttons you can have as many as you like 


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