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Everything posted by Altharic

  1. I still play classics so I would be one that used the basic layouts in MAME call me sad but its how I remember FME in its infancy great to see it working again. I do have a git set up and I can tweak those values and upload a new exe if needed I can leave it run to complie These are the values he changed in src/emu/render.h static constexpr int MAX_TEXTURE_SCALES = 20; static constexpr int MAX_TEXTURE_SCALES = 100;
  2. The build has completed set one that didn't work before to scrape and it should work?
  3. That should show a windows binary once its finished
  4. When this completes it should work HERE
  5. Thats the problem with MAME they want a one size fits all then are resistant when something does not fit
  6. Would it not be an idea to post it as an issue on the git site https://github.com/mamedev/mame/issues
  7. I think MAME does need to evolve to be able to cope with this wonder what tri lamp machines do in mame?
  8. I have been looking at impact in mame seeing what runs etc and there are loads that have no layout or have one with issues. Speaking of Mpu4 this has been opened by James on the mame pulls Edit to add Cash Raider (ace) screenshot
  9. Does this just affect mpu4 if so could you not test another tech and see what happens Impact seems more complete in mame?
  10. It was upped on here a few pages ago by SomeRandomGuy the mame.zip had it in and the rest of the blackbox roms.
  11. I have some of the roms you need see attached sru.zip blackbox.zip
  12. Probably in MAME land those .hex roms would not be 'allowed' and would need to be split. This goes back to the 9.4 leak version of MFME thats how it took the roms seem to remember we used the dos copy command something like copy rom1 + rom2 + rom3 Rom4 rom.hex and it combined them into a 2mb file
  13. The rom dat has grown somewhat in size over the years I remember when it barely fit on a CD to now where its many gigs I don't have a full set yet mine is 19 gig.
  14. Quotes that have not aged well "The good news is that even if I get hit by a bus tomorrow nobody is going to have to repeat this part of the work."
  15. That unfortunately isn't what the dat is designed for it for auditing romsets and for that purpose the tech is not recorded.
  16. If you rebuilt the mame set from the fruit machine dat and used remove source files using clrmame what is left would be what isn't in mame.
  17. There are gigs of roms that are not in mame yet that wouldn't surprise me.
  18. You got this installed? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Download/details.aspx?id=35
  19. Gladiator does work however the reels are blank you can coin it up using the £1 icon and it works to an extent, there is even a layout for it.
  20. New MAME is out and just a few small fixes for FME - 10319: bfm/bfm_sc2.cpp Fixed µPD7759 sample triggering and made volume ramp less aggressive. [Paul-Arnold, David Haywood] - 10322: bfm/bfm_sc2.cpp: Fixed µPD7759 sample triggering and reset control correctly. [Paul-Arnold] Dr Who no longer plays random sounds however the reels seem to be off now.
  21. Sadly they do not coin up they do however go into attract mode.
  22. Whatever you decide is cool I was being nosy that's all, the schematics for Maygay m1a are available and from memory the machines do something just fail with a "contact Maygay" error just before they run I tested Monopoly then gladiators and albert square they both fail with a ram clear error.
  23. We paid for it why not wonder if there is any decent art for it could be made into a DX
  24. You know someone is going to put that into a Pi Zero.
  25. Update list for mpu4 barcrest: Refactored MPU4 machine configuration. * Added hopper support and DUART-based hoppers. * Set YM crystal to match PCB. * Fixed some Dutch reel/input setups so that sets boot * Moved a some more sets to appropriate source files. * Disable coin lock logic for now - it probably needs per-machine code. * Removed an identical clone set - game clearly boots as 'Atlantis', not Triple Dice'. * Fixed a few more reel setups. * Allow m4madhse to boot based on AJR's research. * Changed m4matdr to a 6-reel setup, allowing it to pass the reel check before encountering another error. * Turned the reel templates into simple methods, and moved the config templates to where they're used. * mpu4mod4yam.cpp: Split out YM2413 configuration from parent class, and hooked up the YM2413 using address maps. * Confirmed that m4nnww2__hx5 is a bad dump. * mpu4.cpp: Removed palette device from base class. * Cleaned up some more, removing m_mod_number parameter, unnecessary headers and some unused configurations. * mpu4.cpp: Continued moving methods down into derived classes. * Set up reels/lamps/hoppers/LEDs as traits. * Got m4luckwb to boot and moved it out of the "unsorted" file. * machine/roc10937.cpp: Ignore transitions on SCLK while POC is active, and don't reset input line states on POC. * Identified m4cbing sound chip, move it to new configuration, and made it boot. * mpu4redpoint.cpp: Actually renamed the stuff in this driver. * Improved m4blkgda ROM loading.
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