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mr x

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Everything posted by mr x

  1. But there isn't any very active mods or admin to be told of any server upgrades to pass on to the site members
  2. I know it's been a while but I don't know who wonted them
  3. no as these hot hot hot runs on mpu 6 and cashino fever was a failed test machine on pluto 6 both non emu
  4. Has the issues with the machine super league been fixed at all as on mmfe 3.2 it payed out too much
  5. i couldnt find it as it wasnt on fe as hes shut his website down and moved here
  6. many thanks is there any chance jpms super breakout can be coverted to mmfe 6
  7. might be useful for something
  8. with the minus post count for added effect
  9. its a shame petes done a dispearring act as fixing fe only a small job but i i was reg dxcellent and dad i would be keeping a close eye on the host front just in case things pop completey
  10. can somebody do a favour can you post me a fml file as i need one for a layout i am working on
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