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Barcrest - Monty Python's Flying Circus - UHD 1.0.1

   (14 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Here it is, I'm pretty happy with how it's come out. If anything is obviously wrong, let me know - I will update it if required!

Only doing a £15 version at the moment, I will consider the £5 version later. 

NOTE - I designed this on my two gaming PCs, this is a UHD layout and does feature a fair few blended lamps so will potentially not run well on lower specced / older machines. I do apologise if that is the case!

Thanks to @Reg for graphical advice and hints, and @Boulderdash for playtesting - do note that I have done some work on this after testing and may have introduced new errors, so again, if you find issues, let me know :)

Notes copied from the layout :


Barcrest 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' AWP - on MPU5 tech.

£15 cash jackpot at 25p play, set to 78% payout as released.

Layout VERSION 1.0.1 designed by SlotsMagic using MFME v20.1

** Version History **

1.0.1 - Corrected window size, corrected layout notes, corrected cabinet type (Genesis).
1.0.0 - Original release.

** Keyboard Shortcuts **

Insert £1 = 0

Start = Spacebar
Hold 1 = 1
Hold 2 / Hi = 2
Hold 3 / Lo = 3
Mr Barcrest = M
Feature Exchange = E
Cancel = ' (above 'TAB' key / left of '1' key)
Collect = C

Take Bonus = B
Take Cash = T
Take Feature = F
Cash Knockout = K
Feature Knockout = L

** Notes **

I've used higher than normal resolution for the reels, and also some more blended lamps and transparency than I might normally use. Slower laptops and PCs might struggle. Sorry for that!

Machine has been created using photographs I took of my own machine. As released it is on £15 Jackpot, I do have a £25 kit (but these ROMs don't support it), and a £5 kit (will release at some point).

I have made this machine for selfish, nostalgic reasons. It isn't the best machine to play but I've many happy memories of playing it with dad and wanted to do it some justice!

** Thanks To **

Johnnyafc for the classic layout I used as the base for this release!
Reg (graphical advice and support) and Boulderdash (playtesting)!
Any issues blame me, not them! I never was good at following advice or instructions!

Christian J Wren a.k.a. Wizard (1965-2020) for MFME itself. 
Cheers for the last 20(ish) years of joy.

Everyone else at DesertIslandFruits.com for putting up with me :D

** Legal bit **

This layout was created by me, for me, and shared amongst the people of DesertIslandFruits.com. If I decide to release it to other forums I will do so, it is not to be shared / hosted elsewhere without my permission, nor to be included in any bundle with or without the emulator(s) or otherwise sold or traded.



Edited by slotsmagic
Updated notes to reflect v1.0.1

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


1.0.1 - Corrected window size, corrected layout notes, corrected cabinet type (Genesis), removed WIP tag.

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  • Awesome 5

User Feedback



The Monty Python team selling their name for money.  Whats New! ;) The game play is excellent, and as daft as you'd expect with something Monty Python written on it.  The level of detail and sound effects are pretty amazing. A big thumbs up from me!


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The high res graphics on this one really make it stand out.  Makes it easier to read and a more enjoyable game to play.  really top job of a really iconic machine (for me at least).

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A fantastic emulation; reminds me very much of Arabian Nights, which was an all-time favourite of mine. Loved Monty Python as well, so it was a win-win-nudge-nudge for me - say no more!

Was good to get a little redemption from this too; got 3 JPs after picking it up so happy memories!


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Has to be one of my all time favourite machines.  It has been truely emulated to a very high standard!


The sounds and notifications stioll make me laugh and smile.  "Nudge nudge wink wink say no more!"


My brain hurts from writing this but its awesome.


One massive thumbs up from me!

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This is a great machine, especially as I'm a fan of Monty Python anyway.  This plays pretty much the way I remember it.  I remember taking the small wins on the machine and quickly seemed to streak.  Not managed to get it to do that yet.


Thanks for the design and layout, this looks mint !

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Fantastic re-creation, I remember this one well brought a smile to the face.



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The emulation seemed spot on to me very nicely done. It played quite well until i got the jackpot then played just like i remembered it 


Thanks again

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Multi Retro Man

   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Awesome graphics and sound etc. A very enjoyable machine that's been done amazingly well!!!

Thank you for this one :)

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