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Fast Forward 5p-£3/ 10p-£6 Dx's (BwB/Barcrest) 1.0.1

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About This File

 Following on from the "Barcrest" 20p version of this, we had the roms for the 5p-£3 and 10p/£6 token variants so with @Ginge's help in redrawing the decals here we have them on these settings.

I've placed these in the BwB section as i suspect as these are a lower stake option they'll probably bwb remakes, i may be wrong who knows? also i think the lose sound is slightly different to the 20p standard version

so once again thanks to

netdent via the mecca for images used

the original creator for the original dx

and to @Ginge for decal changes

not sure what percentage these are on, or even if you can change the percentage on these. answers on a postcard

 Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!! 

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


slight lamp bleed on the belly glass

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