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Astra Bullion Bars £25 Arena 3 Player Updated Jan 2024 2.0.0

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About This File

Hello All,

Starting off 2024 with a layout I have revised following feedback from members online, this update includes;

Players reduced from 4 to 3, as requested to help those with low spec PC/Laptops

Brand New Cabinets for the three 'slaves', new lamping, and buttons original to cab (unlike PTA I used in 2022)

New Layout Cabinets using split photos to create a photogenic cab for MFME users, they also include Note Acceptors and transfer to credit buttons, shortcut for note is 8 (£20), and transfer is T. 

No changes to top box. To load select master top box file, if any green borders on show use Function and F1 to clear.

Hope you all enjoy the refreshed layout! There is some brand new ASTRA layouts in the making so stay tuned.. and more revised ones as have better photos and resources to refresh some layouts back from MFME 5/6!!

Peace - AstraLuke (YT AstraFruitMachineCollector)

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This looks really nice but please excuse my ignorance as im not familiar with these is how do you play this on a virtual fruit machine? do i need two friends to play and we have have 1 machine each? 

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18 minutes ago, merivaman41 said:

This looks really nice but please excuse my ignorance as im not familiar with these is how do you play this on a virtual fruit machine? do i need two friends to play and we have have 1 machine each? 

Welcome to the group. Forgive me for maybe giving too much information but I am going to quickly explain what to do with the roms (I presume you have already downloaded the emulator?).

Unzip the file to a directory where you would like to keep the machines (Mine is under MFME then I have created V20 Onwards).

To play ones with more than 1 player, you load the Master file, which is the top big reels, and the other 3 slave machines will automatically load.

Click on whichever machine you would like to play and press 0 (zero) to insert a coin, Space spins the wheels and 1, 2 and 3 hold or nudge the reels 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

You don't need anyone else to play the machines as they just run on the one computer/laptop.

If you want to insert coins into the other machines, you can do that by doing the same thing and if you press A, it will automatically play the machine as it would do in an arcade, so as such, you can imagine that 2 other people are playing the other machines that you're not playing on.

Hope that helps :)

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Thanks for the info I had it all running ok on my laptop but did not seem to fit correctly in MFME in my home made fruit machine and though maybe I had done something wrong and needed 3 screens ( now thAT would be interesting lol ) I assume it all boils down to the fact that ive never played these multi screen / player machines ( did not see the point - didnt know about the auto play so that might make it more fun  ) ) i was just used to 1 screen per machine. Still a very nice recreation.

Edited by merivaman41
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8 hours ago, merivaman41 said:

Thanks for the info I had it all running ok on my laptop but did not seem to fit correctly in MFME in my home made fruit machine and though maybe I had done something wrong and needed 3 screens ( now thAT would be interesting lol ) I assume it all boils down to the fact that ive never played these multi screen / player machines ( did not see the point - didnt know about the auto play so that might make it more fun  ) ) i was just used to 1 screen per machine. Still a very nice recreation.

You can always uncouple everything and drag the top box on to a separate screen - if you have one. You can also run just one slave instead of three.

Alt  l - Link all instances ( slaves )
Alt  u - Unlink all instances ( slaves )

For an MFME cabinet with hopper payouts....It would need to rebuild in MFME V6.1, because it requires an IP address setting.

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21 hours ago, merivaman41 said:

i question though MRM have do i get this full screen as it runs on my windows screen


Screenshot 2024-01-27 215952.png

If you press Esc on each one, you can drag the sizes to be a bit bigger, but you can't make them all fit full screen I don't believe. Press F1 to remove the titles again.

Usually F3 does full screen but when there's 4 different MFME's working together, I don't think it can be done, other than resizing each machine.

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@itspartytimeany chance u can get this to work with just 1 slave i thought i had it working but when u exit and reopen after it does not load correctly it loads the master but not them slave even tho they are linked. cheers rob 

Edited by Robsonmeg46
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On 28/01/2024 at 06:15, Amusements said:

You can always uncouple everything and drag the top box on to a separate screen - if you have one. You can also run just one slave instead of three.

Alt  l - Link all instances ( slaves )
Alt  u - Unlink all instances ( slaves )

For an MFME cabinet with hopper payouts....It would need to rebuild in MFME V6.1, because it requires an IP address setting.

Alt-L (on the top box) to link the machine and all opened slaves at the same time, helped me out with Party Bingo, i was unsure why it didn't work but now does, it used to i am sure when i played before, so something i likely did lol, thanks for the help there.😀

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