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Circle Line 1.0.0

   (3 reviews)

2 Screenshots

About This File

Here's Circle Line.

I believe this is quite a rare Ace machine on spACE tech. I only ever saw/played it in one arcade in the Edgware Road, London.

20p play £6 Jackpot 78% payout (to switch to 88%, press dip switch 8 to the on position, on dip switch 1 bank on the configuration screen).

KEYS: 0 = INSERT £1, ' = Cancel/Collect 1 = Hold 1/Exchange, 2= Hold/hi, 3 = Hold/lo, Space = Start


Wizard (RIP) - Remember NONE of us, would be playing any of this, without this genius.

The Rom provider.

The Reel provider.

Infection for the image used.

Chris217 from The Mecca, for videos on youtube, helped clear up some stuff (search Circle Line fruit machine on youtube)

ACE and whoever owns them now, for leaving FME alone, all these years.


This is one machine I have been wanting to see for ages emulated and have mentioned it a few times. To avoid any confusion and to be clear, this layout is all my own work, with the exception of course for the roms/reels.

I've put as much detail as possible in the layout, but some section aren't quite right.

The layout is in cash jackpot mode, token input is enabled and I'm sure it can be made into token payout mode, if people ask on the forums. I did have a go but nothing I tried worked and it makes no difference to the gameplay.

To the far right, out of sight, are some additional lamps not used and some checkboxes, if needed.

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User Feedback


   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

john ando if we have the resources to create then the layout designers are entitled to create what ever they have 

at the end of the day some releases take a day to many months of hard work put into these layouts .... 

i have shared in the past some amazing photos for the designers to work on .... many of them look so real ....

ive enjoyed many layouts in the last few years as we have a amazing emulator thanks to Wizard ... with out his help everything to do with this site will be impossible 

i don't always comment on layouts but i certainly enjoy playing them when available 

layout designers always get my credit on every release 

if the recourse's out there ... then the layout designers create ....


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Multi Retro Man

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I agree with Vecs, deservedly 5 stars!!!

Any idea how to change the volume on this one? I tried the coin door etc. but not sure on this one? Thanks in advance

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Deserved a five stars just for the amount of time you put in these classics 

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