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Cops 'n' Robbers Safecracker Video £70 Dx 1.0.1

   (1 review)

1 Screenshot

About This File

 Second re-releases from me, the £70 version of safe cracker,

i made this originally in the taller eclipse cab but the artwork wasn't the best to say the least 

anyways here it is again in a shiny lo-tech cab

Thanks goto

@Matty.n for the original classic for this

@dad donor cab

@Player for the higher res scans used

As always @wizard mfme's past and present

shortcuts are as standard, the 10p input is the left hand coin slot shortcut - 5

 Enjoy and Happy Gaming (again)!!!!

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User Feedback

I liked playing the classic Cops & Robbers but this version takes it to the next level it's so much fun.

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