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Found 14 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    So here it is my first layout (well technically second as my first was Rich & Famous many many moons ago). Its been great fun to be able to do layouts again especially with the new tools in MFME. Lamping is so much easier nowadays compared to years ago! Decent photos were used for stitching together and the reels were recreated from scratch. NAME: Overload MANUFACTURER: Barcrest CABINET: Genesis SYSTEM: MPU 5 STAKE: 30p 85% £25 Jackpot Thanks to the following for help with the layout: @Wizard For the greatest emulator ever coded. @Steveir For the classic layout which I used for the lamp numbers and configuration. @infection For pointing me in the direction of the artwork @BL4K For the YouTube video which I used many times for reference @vectra666 For help with the overlays and testing @slotsmagic For the reel images @bungle For Lamping help and general guidance. Finally thanks to the following for Beta testing and spotting some silly mistakes: @Reg @Chopaholic @wearecity @vectra666 @slotsmagic
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hey Everyone! A new year, a new release! I hope everyone will enjoy this one. Oldtimer, released by Barcrest for the Dutch market in 1996. It was the answer for the new runners by Errèl. At the time, only the Random Runner could steal a point from the bottom game to play the top game. The 0/1 game then was THE TRICK to tackle this problem. This version is one of the more famous cabinets in the timer series with many re-releases. Classic lower game, a 5 credits (4 with a 0/1 game) upper game with criss / cross win lines and 4 piggy banks! Enjoy Oldtimer! Cheers, Dymies
  3. Version 1.0.0


    thanks to wizard, and to all creators. GOLDEN DRAGON CLUB £100 10P - one for the die hard fans i reckon.. thanks to @Tommy c who's disc reel saved me a lot of pain, thanks to @WonkySausage @slotsmagic for working out the dips and such, and to @MikeyPosh for the images and help. the disc reel overlay was making it look untidy so any perfectionists feel free to get it spot on, the lamping is as best as i managed but after such a break it's not too shabby. put a few quid in to liven it up a bit but blimey who'd play this i don't know.. well we all would given a chance i suppose haha.
  4. Version boobs


    WIZARD - RIP thanks to @infection for the images and support. thanks to @captainhaddock for the classic which i lamped from.. 3 versions and only 4 dodgy decals the difference between them, that and my attempted wording recreations. it's me after all... how strange that 5-15 they still have the same cash ladder?!?!? madness but allows for multi stake play and there is a bit of fun to be had but all together a basic game tbh they are probably a bit happy as been on auto play mainly.. any errors please inform me and i'll update.. there are three lamps i've not used and will not be adding as not needed. decided not to blend the top logo for gameplay reasons and feel free to change that yourselves. got a few images recently to work on so have a couple of my own to do then back to the wip requests.. thanks for the ideas and belief.. best wishes WOODSY
  5. Version 1.0.0


    thanks to wizard for the mfme and work to enable such joy. also thanks to @MikeyPosh and his brother for the image and others i have to play with... and of course to the classic creator (unknown) and @dad for the reels used, @Tommy c for the button off images used amongst a few others as the original photo had mixed decals that needed to be changed, that and there was no simple way to make the monster icon for the bonus. thanks guys i had a few issues and it's mainly the font finding, i made as good a replication as i could but hey ho.. the mega and super text is imo the worst of the attempt. another gap filled in the library and from scratch instead of editing the only two decals that are different, coz hey why not haha.. lastly big up's to @Ze Frog who's got the bug and @logopolis too!! keep em coming guys! enjoy and keep it mfme in 2023.. bin the virtuals and long reign the home builds. WOODSY
  6. Version 1.0.0


    PLEASE USE MFME V19.4 TO PLAY THIS. Hi Guys Here is another golden oldie classic. This was the last MPU2 Machine that Barcrest ever made back in 1981. A big thanks goes to, launton (fruitemu.co.uk) for Roms and base Reel symbols. Richy100 (fruitemu.co.uk for the last minute flyer (included in the download). Pete W for uploading a couple of pics of the original Spot Light to the gallery on Fruitemu.co.uk. Richy1976 for his fantastic sound files. Wizard for testing and some last minute Technical support, as well as providing us all with the amazing MFME that makes this all possible:))) Short cuts are in the read me file. Now have a great Bank Holiday weekend:)
  7. Version 1.0.0


    overworked the release from @gordon changes: reelsymbols,alpha display,paytables,buttons,pay in,7 segs,soundrom rebuild to work in mfme 20,treasure island feature as magnifier have fun youtube video :
  8. Version 1.0.0


    here comes Barcrest´s King of the Castle thanks to @FruityRex for roms and pics and @Wizard for his great emulator have fun
  9. Version 1.0.0


    build with mfme 20.1 have fun Thanks goes to @FruityRex for roms and pics
  10. Version 1.1


    Empire | Barcrest | 1993 Hey all, I want to present to you my first release. This is Empire from Barcrest, released for the dutch market in 1993. It is one of the banned 'piek machines' in The Netherlands. A nice lower and upper game to play and a real 1000 pointer ! I hope you will enjoy this layout! There are 3 layouts available in the compressed zip file. One with a white background, a black background and a casino play hall background. Thanks to @Gok Bob for the photo. Thanks to @Wizard for MFME.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    The Dutch version of Adders & Ladders from the year 1994.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    American Highway, a Dutch MPU4 Barcrest (MPU4) from the year 1995. Thanks to @Gok Bob for the great photo.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This layout requires MFMEv19.4 Hi Guys Here we have Rock On from Barcrest, made in January 1981, running on MPU2. Firstly...a special thanks to the following. hitthesix for setting this project up. RobT (fruitemu.co.uk) who owns the original machine, and was kind enough to send me helpful pictures, and give valuable feedback throughout the creation process. Richy1976 for collating and providing sound files. And finally @Wizard Who ultimately made this possible, and also updated MFME so that MPU2 and MPU3 tech runs brilliantly:)) Short cuts and further info can be found in the Read Me file. Now go and give this machine a good thrashing:)
  14. Hi folks, I'm using a laptop that has windows 10 - but my recent download of v20 of MFME was unsuccessful to play my rom of the £10 Jackpot version of Barcrest Crystal Dome - I've a separate thread about that if anyone can help. (this is the version of the game I used to own on an actual machine. In the meantime, I thought i'd inquire if anyone has any alternative versions of MFME that might play alternative versions of the game - like THIS one. This is almost identical to the one I owned except the Jackpot is £8. Here's a video of it on youtube. Thanks as ever to anyone who can help! Nick
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