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Everything posted by watchformyhiddentreasures

  1. What gets me is when the new limit was introduced, it was 1st or second item on the BBC news. Now you can hardly find it. Hopefully it'll make mainstream news soon....
  2. Well the thought was there..... https://apple.news/ALEBJUcFOQoyjKKpTHB6L8Q
  3. Excellent video. Far more effective than any government campaign could ever be.
  4. One thing I’ve started to do is whenever I get a pang, to buy something that I’ve wanted for ages. Doesn’t matter how obscure or useful the thing is. It has helped and I feel more rewarded. Usually it’s a luxury item which, as we all know never get bought as its wasting ‘float’ money. Only downside is I’m not sure if I’m replacing a machine habit with a shopping habit! Congratulations on going a week without, good luck with the next week.
  5. Machines give us an escape from real life which is why I believe money lost doesn't really register with us, it's the escape that matters. One brilliant comment I related to was about being thrifty in absolutely every other part of life except machines and gambling. Every penny counts but can sit and lose thousands without guilt or a second thought until afterwards. Very very few 'pros' keep at it successfully in the long term and most are full of shit while claiming dole. As has been said, it is possible to come out the other side and maintain a 'normal' life but there's always a part of you which is susceptible to those lights, buttons and the pockets full of pound coins.
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