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File Comments posted by avengah

  1. Really good! One minor thing... two of the arrows in the pyramid have the wrong lamps or no lamp attached. The left arrow on the bottom row is lamp 155 and the arrow on the third row is 148, but has no lamp attached so I added my own simple box that's either brown for off or yellow for on to mark it. Thanks!

    Also, the Lo bulb isn't working properly but I just dragged the lit button in from the Hold 3 bulb to make it work. Technically they are meant to be split buttons but I couldn't get it to look right with the gradient thing (it made the unlit part of the button too dark), so maybe you'll be better at that than me. This is my temporary work in progress:


    EDIT: The 20ps are paying out silently, and the machine thinks it's empty of 20ps. Checkbox 70 makes it think it's full but it still doesn't make a sound paying out 20ps.

  2. Very good! Just a couple of things: The waiters are lamp 254. if you add a lamp matrix, watch what flashes differently when the waiters are there on nudges. I think it just uses the one lamp, and the speed of the flash determines whether you have mixed or matching. And the spin thing in the bottom right is 180 degrees out; it starts at the top and goes clockwise, so the red and blue lamps for the super bonus are also the wrong way round. I hope that helps!

  3. (I always try to take nothing when doing the Vivid method, because even a single pound can stop the red coming back under certain circumstances, for example on Pie Factory if you took £1 from the red board it normally doesn't matter, but if you then get the free Super Feature, the next board after that would be red as well if you took nothing. Taking that £1 can make it take a couple more boards to come back, costing more money. Unfortunately with Reel A Win there doesn't seem a reliable way to get nothing off the board, although a couple of the features can be screwed up to get nothing; it's worth remembering which ones.)

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  4. Yeah sorry I don't know, but there is a way to find out for at least some of them. On a red board, if you hit an arrow to move in that leads to nudges, you can do the red lamp for that particular square. You can work it out by elimination if there's only one nudge square left in a ring that you haven't done the red bulb for. Once you've knocked out a nudge square, the red bulb will be out, so if you either knock out or know which lamp is for all the red nudge squares, the last remaining one is for the red top feature.

    Someone did a Cliffhanger layout some time ago, and they were unaware of red nudges but did know the top feature went red. They got mixed up and used a red nudge bulb from the second ring instead of the correct bulb for the red Cliffhanger feature, so it looks odd when the top feature is flashing when you're on nudges in the second ring.

    It seems Reel A Win is harder to fob off the red board too, because Cliffhanger always let me slow down the hiddens on a red board but Reel A Win didn't, so it might be better to take £1 off the red board rather than take hiddens and risk it giving something half decent and setting it back. I'm not sure.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Same as Cliffhanger, it does have a red mode. The nudges and the Reel A Win feature right in the middle of the board turn red. When you're on a red nudge square it tells you the best win for that number of nudges, but when you press Collect it gives you unlimited nudges and tells you the jackpot is there (to fob off a red board while doing the Vivid method you have to nudge in hiddens and take Nudge Timer, or take a feature where it's possible to get nothing).

    • Like 1
  6. Same as Cliffhanger, it does have a red mode. The nudges and the Reel A Win feature right in the middle of the board turn red. When you're on a red nudge square it tells you the best win for that number of nudges, but when you press Collect it gives you unlimited nudges and tells you the jackpot is there (to fob off a red board while doing the Vivid method you have to nudge in hiddens and take Nudge Timer).

    • Like 1
  7. Very good! Just one thing, having seen the real machine, the number reel is actually a horizontal reel with three visible positions, and it uses the middle number to decide whether to spin. It works the way you've done it but if you want accuracy, anyway. Like this:


  8. This is a great layout, thanks. I think the suits aren't quite right on some of the cards, though (and I think the suits should be visible on the cards on the reels too). For the hidden features.

    The correct cards are, using test play to work them out:

    A Diamonds, 2 Spades, 3 Hearts, 4 Clubs, 5 Diamonds, 6 Spades, 7 Hearts, 8 Clubs, 9 Diamonds, 10 Spades, J Hearts, Q Clubs, K Diamonds, A Spades.

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