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Posts posted by Pook

  1. Another site update today, see's a few tweaks on the overall layout with tabs making the site easier to navigate, as always a massive thankyou to Desert Island Fruits and @Reg for his continued support.


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  2. 11 hours ago, A:E said:

    Ultimate, TheEdge, Hewson, Odin

    SabreWulf, Fairlight, Cybernoid, Robin of the Wood

    0h I forgot about the edge, what a great game Brian bloodaxe was, loved the way it pretended to crash on load and asked you to blow gently on the keyboard, great python soundtrack too.

  3. Oh it's hard not to split in genre. I loved a shooter back in the day, of all the old vertical ones I loves Phoneix. Pleiads & Xevious, when horizontal ones started to come out R-Type & X-Multiply were my go to machines. 

    Other machines I enjoyed were Battlezone, Discs of Tron, Crystal Castles, Gauntlet & Robocop. I remember the first time I saw a Dragon's Lair I was hopeless at it but it blew me away.

  4. The 8-Bit era gave birth to many great software studios, many only lasted only a few years, some crossed over to the 16-bit era and a few still survive today under various guises. But who was you favourite?

    I reckon in a poll the masses would chose 'Ultimate' and that's a great shout as they made some seminal original titles. There were powerhouses like 'Ocean' & 'US Gold' who churned out some good titles and arcade ports but were tainted with terrible franchised titles. Even Codemasters were massive in maintaining the 8-bit era into the budget market.

    I used to enjoy work from smaller outlets that made some great titles, in that camp I'd include.. Software Projects, DK'Tronics, Microsphere, Gargoyle Games, Melbourne House, Beyond, Durell, Micromega, Hewson, Odin, Elite, and there's probably more.

    But for me the winner has to be 'Vortex'.  I was amazed at not only the 3D but the speed and fluidity of it. Great titles like TLL, Cyclone & Alien Encounter were regularly played on my speccy.



  5. Ohh the oric, was that the one when you could type 'ping' and 'bang' and it would make the noises? I remember a computer shop called syntax where we would type random noise words into it, must've drove the staff nuts.

    Couple of friends of mine had vic20s and regretted it when the spectrum spead throughout the school. One mate got a TI99 which from what I remember didn't do a lot.

  6. Indeed an argument had in every playground across the UK in the 80's. Myself and my mates were firmly in the speccy camp as it's what our parents could afford so clearly it was better. Think it was 129.99 back in the day with the C64 being considerably more.

    I remember going round a friends house who's family had a lot, he knew it and rubbed in our faces. Payed Beach Head and was impressed you could have more than two colours in a 8x8 grid, also when you got shot it said 'medic' really well. Didn't matter the speccy ruled and he was still a knob.

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  7. I have a vivid memory of helping my Dad fit our kitchen in our old house, spent all weekend helping him by 'holding' things while he cut or screwed them. My treat was a game of my choice. Fully how nostalgic games are linked to other memories of family and simpler times :)

    I chose well...


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  8. Hey Richard

    I just searched in an old WIP folder and found this from several years ago, I have a flyer where the machine cuts across 2 pages hence the crude join across the middle. I must of started this years ago and not thought about it until your post. At any one time I'll have 6 or so active WIPs that I add a bit too whenever I have a bit of time. Also have and inactive WIP folder with 100+ titles in various stage of completion, either I wasn't happy the way they were turning out or someone else released that title during development which happened a lot back in the day when a lot of designers were about, I've never been the fastest worker and was beaten to the punch on numerous occasions.

    I've moved this into my active WIP folder for you, to remind me to get back to it at some stage, I currently have about 20 previous releases left to update and re-release that I'm getting through so will free me up to concentrate on new stuff once that's complete. 


  9. It's been just over six months since DX'Cellent's new incarnation here at DIF, in that time I've updated at re-released over half of my back catalogue, released lots of new stuff and generally been more active than I have been in a long time.

    Recently Reg updated DIF with a few enhancements which meant my pages could evolve even further in the form of a funky portal type affair. A massive thank you to DIF and @Reg for your continued support :)


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  10. 'A small emulation scene that's been running for over 10 years' should be 'A small emulation scene that's been running for almost 20 years' :D

    People who will read this will be speccy enthusiasts, so will have nostalgia spanning about 82-87, maybe that can be reflected in the images and include a machine from that era.


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