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Posts posted by Geddy

  1. 10 minutes ago, vectra666 said:


    On the subject of v20 “finding the roms” how will it know what roms to put in?

    say a dond £5 layout which requires only £5 roms as £70 won’t work in that layout will it find the exact ones and load them into the layout and what about set up with the note acceptors etc? Will it do that for you?

    where will mfme get the roms from, will it be a certain site it gets them from?

    if say this site would you need to be a member of that site beforehand and what if you were a non donating member where do they stand

    once mfme has found the roms what happens to the game upon closing are the roms automatically saved within your layout for future usage or will it need to download them again and again 

    what if you’ve no internet then mfme would be worthless? 
    finally what if you’ve loaded a layout which you already had say cash counter would mfme find the roms and overwrite existing ones which could overwrite a early rom with a later version?

    Sorry for so many questions 

    1) Reading the gam

    2) Yes

    3) Secret rom site...sushhh

    4) Member yes, non donator same situation as they are in now perhaps.

    5) Roms are downloaded so once you have them you have them

    6) No

    7) No

    • Like 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, jackpotjon05 said:

    RIGHT, so why when I asked how to play the newest/latest games ''please'' did u send me into the legacy section?

    Do u now understand why im getting confused when I go into another section within legacy and doctor who is in there and it works?

    So are u saying some machines in that section do work, or none because you just said it only contains layouts.

    So the long and short of it, if I want to try games don't bother going in there?

    That was my original question.

    And another thing......why when you download it the roms seem to there, because it looked like it to me in downloads when you go to extract it

    I sent you to the Legacy section because that has ALL the layouts in one place.  To keep it simple.

    I don't know why you are getting confused as that is where ALL the layouts are (some are in different places as layouts get released in their own thread)

    ALL the layouts work but they need roms, that is clearly explained in the Legacy section IF you read it which I presume you neglected to do so hence you would not be getting confused.  https://www.desertislandfruits.com/forum/index.php?/files/category/37-legacy-layouts/ 

    I can also presume you have not read this...

    ... as again if you had you would understand you need roms and layouts to play the games.  Rest assured with v20 you will have to do near to zero work to get the games to work as when you load a layout the emulator itself will run around the internet grabbing the roms for you... how cool is that.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, jackpotjon05 said:

    On a different subject and moving on......

    Does anyone know why when I go into WinRAR why it says after 40 days I need to buy a license and how to get around this please?

    It keeps warning me and obviously need this program to enable games/downloads so can anyone advise please?

    No NOW I rest my case...

    It's because when you downloaded it you got a FREE trial.  After the FREE trial you have to pay for it.  

    If you use Google (it's a search engine) it will maybe tell you how to 'get around it' or even suggest an alternative... here I've done it for you...


    • Like 2
  4. 56 minutes ago, jackpotjon05 said:

    F*ck me, whats the matter with half of you on here?

    If maybe some people spoke simple English then certain members like me wouldn't get confused would they?

    Hey, tell u what maybe I wont bother asking questions in future if all you are going to do is get slammed for it


    Nothing really apart from being sick to the back teeth of working really hard to make this place as user friendly as the 'forum software' allows then getting asked the same questions time after time after time when 99% of them have been answered in plain easy to understand ways.  The problem is a  lot of folk want it all, want it for free and want it NOW without any effort on their behalf.

    I can't see anywhere on here where the English is bad enough for you to have got what you wanted.  It was explained a couple of times how to get what you wanted but apparently you needed a click by click set of explicit instructions... sorry but use some common sense or dear me even read the Newbie section which again has taken someone a fair few hours to compile.

    You only got 'slammed for it' (good English?) because you never thanked anyone for their help, you obviously never read any other thread relating to your point or managed to work anything else out for yourself, so yeah please fuck right off and fuck right off from DADsFME too since you asked a Q there because you did not like the answer you got here... 🙄

    • Awesome 1
  5. 9 hours ago, slasher said:

    To be fair the "download file" thing confused me when I first went in the legacy layout section. I didn't realise that was how you'd bring up the list so thought I'd done something wrong and tried again.

    I then thought maybe it downloaded all D layouts so figured ok, and clicked download file... which of course brought up the list, so I do sort of get where he's coming from.

    Yeah so what was the worst thing that could happen, you click it, it starts a big download, you cancel it... I mean it's hardly a life or death mouse click.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, wearecity said:

    However, to make things a little easier, Is there a way of making the list appear after clicking on Bell Fruit - D.

    Or if not, maybe a change of description from download this file, to download a file. As unless you click on it, it does look like you'll be downloading a 367mb file, before you click on download this file and getting every Bell Fruit layout beginning with D.

    ...the boss might be able to sort something like that which I hope does not involve me uploading it all again.  I can't do anything at my end.. but in all honesty as it stands it's mighty straight forward.

    • Like 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, jackpotjon05 said:

    NOPE, did exactly what you said.....went into downloads, clicked on bell fruit and category D and the list is empty.

    Go in there yourself, nothing in there under doctor who and this is what I mean about going all way around the houses to find stuff....not easy

    Fuck me static.... how simple can it be?   People have spent days and days making this section as easy as possible to the point if it was any easier we would have to come round your house and install them ourselves for you...










    • Like 4
  8. Indeed they are pure and simple conversions, If I corrected all the errors I'm sure I'd have just managed about 50 by now.  I think the idea is if you grab a layout and it has issues either fix it yourself and post the result so I can swap them over or post it to the layout fixing thread and some kind sole should help.... community effort and all of that.

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, richardpen said:

    And what is an 'RB' DX?  Anyone remember?

    Many thanks, it could be Razorsback the creator?

    (ETA the layouts are not the one in the original post but a later version, the original was a .res, many thanks.)

  10. On 31/05/2020 at 02:43, Matty.n said:

    We seem to be missing a few hundred images from the Bellfruit Layout gallery section, i can only see 311 vs the 686 above, which pretty much runs from # - D and nothing else. 

    Cheers for pointing that out I'm on it... there was a site issue half way through uploading all of the stuff and they obviously got lost.. thanks.

    • Thanks 1
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