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Good button solution for a 'tiny cab'..?


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I've just heard about this device:

They are LCD rather than OLED unfortunately... but if one were to build a 'tiny cab' this thing could be on the bottom, and contain the button images for the game you have loaded.  And with a bit of software you could perhaps even hook up the rom-controlled 'flashing' effect, maybe by having an dark off image and a bright on image for each button.

Cost is £145 for this 15 button unit, and it's a very popular and well reviewed product: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Elgato-Controller-15-macro-keys-trigger-software-like-OBS/dp/B09738CV2G/

From watching this video here, looks like it takes 180x180 image files - so I guess that is also the resolution of each button.  Wondering if I want one of these for my desk anyway for the day job, looks like a pretty neat gadget! :) 



Edited by johnparker007
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