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Arcade games in the simulator


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Hi all recently been playing the sim and I must say it’s really good 👌 just want to know how you go about playing the arcade style games I.e pacman etc ! I can’t seem to figure out the buttons or do I need a controller connected to the pc? Any help would be much appreciated 👍

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16 hours ago, Spike888 said:

Hi all recently been playing the sim and I must say it’s really good 👌 just want to know how you go about playing the arcade style games I.e pacman etc ! I can’t seem to figure out the buttons or do I need a controller connected to the pc? Any help would be much appreciated 👍

It's a provisional input system, it will be replaced later with a better one that'll be configurable for 'non-standard' pads etc. 

Standard pads like PS4/Xbox should currently just work I think... there are also 'zx spectrum' style keys set up; QA for up/down, OP for left/right, Space/M/N/B for the fire buttons.

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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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18 hours ago, Spike888 said:

is it just a case of plugging one in? 


Yes, but its bluetooth, so as long as the pad is set up on your computer, it seems to just work.

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