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Everything posted by Pook

  1. After a scary few weeks thinking I might of lost 17yrs of work on my HD I managed to retrieve it all (must back up more!) so we're off again. Round 9.... Chopaholic - 1 evo - 4 wearecity - 1 infection - 1 Tommy c - 1
  2. Well done TC, I'll post another once I sort out my PC. Promise it'll be easier next time.
  3. Agreed, so here's the headlines.... It's not on the machine It was part of the flyer built into the sideart It's an old release that I have not updated on this site It's £10 Jackpot If you have twins you'd be doing this a lot
  4. Part timer! Some of us have been in work since 04:45.
  5. ..... said the vicar. This isn't on the actual machine, it was part of the flyer incorporated into the sideart.
  6. Time for a clue.... The last person I'd expect to get this right would be @wearecity
  7. It's a good answer, but everyone wrong so far.
  8. ok fixed, Bradley Walsh has nothing to worry about does he.
  9. Round 8.... Chopaholic - 1 evo - 4 wearecity - 1 infection - 1 A guess quizmaster sent this to me, I could not identify it, so you 'orrible lot are screwed now!
  10. Seriously? I think you have a problem and it's time for an intervention! Oh, and well done, I suppose
  11. Next one... Chopaholic - 1 evo - 3 wearecity - 1 infection - 1
  12. Correct Powerlines But please post one answer then wait till I reply, anyone could cut and paste 250 machines and get it right.
  13. Round 5... Chopaholic - 1 evo - 3 wearecity - 1
  14. Oh well done that man! Just to the right of the Alpha
  15. Nobody close so far, ok so I might of rotated this one slightly but apart from that nothing else.
  16. Did anyone watch this BBC documentary about 6yrs ago? A family's house was converted back to the 70's with all the authentic gadgets from back in the day, they were moved through time a year everyday, into the 80's and through to the 90's. All three episodes below, watch the first 2 mins of the first video to see the shows premise better. Found this show fascinating at the time watching with my daughter's face in horror and I explained how amazing these things were. After watching one episode I drove straight to argos and bought a sandwich toaster as I remembered how much I missed it.
  17. That's two guess's, which one?
  18. Nay, Nay and thrice Nay. Got y'all this time..
  19. @Chopaholic - 1 @evo1 - 3 Next one.......
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