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Money Spinner 1.0.0

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About This File

Money Spinner 

A QPS Interactive machine on Scorpion 5 tech

£70 Jackpot, 30p/50p Play, 82% Payout


0=Insert £1, '=Cancel, 1=Hold 1, 2=Hold 2/Hi, 3=Hold 3/Lo, 4=Hold 4, C=Collect, Space=Start

S=Change Stake, T=Transfer £2, M=Money Spinner, W=Make a Win

7=Insert £5, 8=Insert £10, 9=Insert £20 (notes acceptance if machine has enough coins only)


Wizard (RIP) for the magical MFME

Ross for the fantastic base reel

Infection for an image to go by

Logopolis and everyone else involved in getting the roms dumped, uploaded and sorted

QPS Interactive and whoever owns them now for leaving FME alone

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