About This File
Cash On The Lash
A Mazooma machine on Scorpion 4 tech £25, 30p, 80%
`= Cancel, C= Collect, 1= Hold 1, 2/Hi= Hi, 3/Lo= Lo, E=Exchange, Space=Start
N= Nudges, P = Pick, T= Take Cash, U/M= Move Up 0= Insert £1.
Wizard (RIP), for the wonderful MFME emulator.
Player for the fabulous artwork for reference and hopefully a future DX.
Dad, for allowing the reels from his £5 DX, but coming up with a better solution.
Infection, for highlighting the fact a layout was needed and for his resources he provides for FME in general.
The Program and Sound Rom provider.
Picture of real machine, shrunk, but a great DX will be made from Player's excellent artwork.
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