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Development Project GFX....


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Some of you might have seen the front end im developing for MFME as i have a thread on the forum for the actual front end development, if not my front end for MFME is shown below i'm just adding the option to filter the roms by manufacturer which will update the machines you see above the manufacturer logo with the corresponding manufacture.

I might add CPU filtering so that's even more images to create....

I would like to replace all the manufacture logos with custom logos as i believe there would be a copyright issue if i used the company logo's so im looking for custom manufacture logos for all manufacturers that there are layouts for MFME if you look on the forum there are a lot of manufacturers.

So i have a challenge to create all the logo's and i know it will take me away from the actual development for quite some time, otherwise i will change from a graphical logo to just words which wont give the program such an impact until such time that i start to create the logos.

So if you are bored and like to create artwork you are more than welcome to create the initial themed manufacturer logos, as when more themes are created you would be able to select custom themed logos from settings within the program, 

300px x300px would be an ideal size for this initial theme set as the actual size may change for portrait/landscape etc.

Maybe you would like to add a similar theme for the CPU filtering, so both filters will be in the same style?

I thought i would put this message up and see what comes back otherwise I'm sure i will get around to doing an initial theme for logo's and cpu selections but not sure when as im concentrating on getting the program working with all the features.


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The new MFME Frontend, are you ready ?

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