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George Bum

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Everything posted by George Bum

  1. I'm sorry if this is well known, but I don't really know what to look for. I'm wondering if anyone has emulated the bog standard "one armed bandits" of the 70's and 80's as seen at travelling "shows" in the uk and suchlike ? i've looked through some of the machines here but they seem to all be the more involved, multi event sort of type. i'm looking for something really basic, a 2p slot or something like that. does anyone know of any that are available via emulation ? Picture for reference
  2. i thought when looking at the files that this would be the answer. it's a shame but as you say it's as is intended ! thanks for answering mate !
  3. First of all, thanks to those who gave me +REP so i could download machines I've downloaded indiana jones and it's as great as i remember it. however, although i presume the sounds are accurate/board dumped, i'm wondering if it'd be possible to re-do them or to do a side fork of emulation for that machine with a package featuring newly re-sampled sounds at much higher fidelity. Would this be something that'd be possible ? i'm wondering how the files are put together/compressed as it'd be great to be able to put new versions of the original sounds in there to up the fidelity beyond that of the original. Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this and can suggest anything regarding how i might be able to go about doing this. i forsee playing this machine a LOT and now i don't have to watch my dad lose money on it !
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