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A commissioned bespoke MFME layout for my mate Jay777 on YouTube, his 'Tarty's Party' version of Astra Party Time 3 Player. As requested by his followers I have now released it just on here.

Unique with 'Tarty' reel & belly glasses and base reels changed from Astra's to 'Tarty', top box completely reimagined to include the bespoke name logo, and set to his unique 3 different Jackpots £10, £15 and £25.

Enjoy! Luke 🙂 aka AstraLuke - YouTube AstraFruitMachineCollector.

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Thank you for this . i do like watching jay and guys vids on you tube some great vids on there . And again thank you for all the work you put into these making it possible to play these on the comp at home . 

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wow how would one even play this lol. looking forward to playing if i ever get these so called points haha. good work

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