About This File
Hi all!
Pleased to announce my latest release - the third in the new run of Astra WOW 'Hybrid' cabs - which are Pluto 6 Based cabs - but running on Legacy io3 roms.
Bullion Bars WOW 3 Player - 10p £5 86% payout - using BB Classic io3 roms, lamps are done sympathetically as per WOW Builds - and this should make it easier to run this layout on a lower spec PC or Laptop as there is hardly any lamping used.
Usual shortcuts apply - A for Auto Start. 9 - 10p coin in, 0 - £1 coin in.
No Note acceptors added/enabled to keep layout simple.
Please use v19.8 MFME for this to play and run correctly. - DEDICATED TO WIZARD
Enjoy all!
P.S. for those who are new, open the Master Top file in MFME v19.8 for all the players to open together.
Luke - AKA AstraLuke / YT: astrafruitmachinecollector