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Posts posted by Danik2343

  1. What about generation settings? For MAME, it is better to do this too, in order to select the maximum number of machines and select them for download, or you can click on the button "Load all machines (MFME + MAME)"

  2. It wasn't bad to see a nightmare on elm street in Scorpion 4, or 5, or even 4 and 5 together. But the problem is that for MFME a simple interface, without pictures (except for fruits), did not find the original machine in Google, but whoever has it, please discard it to the creator, I wanted to see the machine in 3D mode.

    Layouts aviavailable on DIF

  3. Bug on Acrade Simulator



    First Try (Turbo Startup)

    1: Top Loader Error ( REEL 4 ERR 24)

    2: Some machines won't boot


    Second Try (No Experimental Feautures  | Turbo Startup, Machine Lights)

    1: Top Loader Error ( REEL 4 ERR 24) (Same)

    2: Some machines won't boot (Same)


    Other Bugs

    1: Walls not have collision.

    2: Camera May be Reset on stock position

    3: I stuck in Fruit Machine


    Video (Two Parts):

    P.S Sorry for 30 FPS, forgot set it to 60 FPS

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