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Posts posted by shaun2097

  1. 11 hours ago, dad said:

    In my local arcade I was one of only two people I knew of who could clock the original Space Invaders round to zero again.   Obviously we'd usually leave it on 9990 then wait to get killed off so no-one could beat the score :D

    There's one game I used to play the name of which escapes me and I can't find details anywhere.  It was green wire frame graphics that looked like a spiders web, and you had to shoot your way through to the center.  You conrtolled your little spaceship the same way as asteroids and had these little fizzy ball things that came off the web and chased you around the screen and tried to kill you off.  It wasn't Tempest as I remember that one but fairly similar.

    Any ideas?



  2. GORF, phoenix, missile command, Defender (stargate ver), pengo, cosmic gorrila, tempest, twin cobra, nemsis, vulcan venture, killer instinct, daytona USA, and Space Ace..and too many more to mention..

    i visited "the arcade club" in manchester eariler this year...that was a proper "blast from the past" the sounds bought my mispent childhood flooding back, BUT the atmosphere was all wrong...no fag smoke or smell...just wasnt right...

    heres a video i took of the second floor... (doesnt start from the begining for some reason, so you will need to start it from the begining manualy)


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  3. Great new site Reg. :)So, who`s got the rarest game in their current Retro collection?...not me! :(

    But I will kick things off with "Panzer Dragoon Saga" (PAL) for the Sega Saturn (obviously) near mint condition.


    I love this game. It was by far the Saturns best game IMO. Grounbreaking in its day. i remember getting the 1st disk of 4, free with a saturn magazine, when the game was 1st released in the UK. It blew me away, and i went out and bought the full game.  At the time, i had no idea that its was going to become a rare classic, as i had assumed that there was hundreds of thousand of copies sold (only a few thousand were actually sold in the uk and europe) and i thought it would never hold its value....so as i was working at Cash Converters at the time, no prizes for guessing what happend to it..Yep, i sold it. i sold it for a lowly price of £15, and £90 for the Saturn console....what a dickhead!

    So 3 or 4 years later, i decided that i wanted to play it again, so off i went in search of a saturn and another copy of "Panzer Dragoon Saga" i was in for a more expensive time than i had first expected.. the console was no problem...£25 from a car boot sale...the game? £150!!!! Fook me! when the game arrived in near as mint as you could get, i decided that i would not use the discs, through fear of scuffing them...ive never even opened the manual, as i didnt want it to be "used" so i wrapped the game in newspaper, and it has sat in a drawer till this day (except the the pic above that i have just taken)...unused, un touched (discs and manual) hell, i wont even open the case more than an inch!! The PAL version of the game, sells for around £250 to £450 on EBAY nowdays, so it was a good investment...though i dont think ill ever sell it TBH.

    the only time i actualy got to replay the game again (and many, many times since) was when the Saturn was eventualy emulated on PC. not quite the same, but it will do...

    So, Its over to you.... whats the rarest game YOU own...



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  4. i 100% agree with you on every word and action in that MPU4 Video. even the watching of the youtube video of Reno Reels...i also used to watch it and wish!

    i look foward to the emptier videos ! ive always wonderd how it was done on these...somthing about the reels spins arnt random or something??? buggerd if i know.

    brillant video as always. :)

    • Like 1
  5. i had already intended in taking as many repeat pics as possible. ive got 60gb to burn up.

    taking them in multiple sizes is also no problem.

    ill ask where to post them when the need arises.

    in referance to you kodak camera pic...i have 2 stepsons, 19 and 22. i dug out some old vinyl records last week and they both asked what they were....lol.

    thanks for the reply Reg. :)

  6. just a general enquiry...i have the oppertunity in the next few days to take some decent pics of some fruits. a friend of mine is a manager at a local arcade, and hes happy for me to take some pics    (even with the machines switched off if required) as long as i dont take the piss, hes ok with it (within reason. his bosses can still see him on CCTV)

    i see DAD is doing astras party fruits ATM, and this is one of the machines they have.....(top box..1 pic or 2 to stich?)

    so heres my question...what size of photo is prefferd for you design wizards!?  (pun intended :) )

    16:9 or 4:3?

    i will be using a samsung note 8 as the camera. (no flash obviously)

    there are mainly only new games in the arcade nowdays (i hadnt even been in the place for 8yrs+) but there are  a few REFLEX games and an adams family, bullion bars and lots of BAR X, MAGIC 7 etc. these and party fruits will be my first targets.....

    also...i intend to take pics of the machines as a whole and close ups of all glasses...any suggestions you can give me so that you layout designers can get the best possible pics from me would be welcome.

    im just trying to throw a bit back into the community.... :)

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  7. 27 minutes ago, Wizard said:


    Would you believe that writing and maintaining MFME is no stroll in the park either.

    i dont envy the amount of work you must put into MFME chris.

    how many man hours have you devoted to this?  87,600hrs+??  (10yrs)  give us a rough estmate...ill bet its a shocking amount of time and effort...

    i can only say, you are devoted to the cause...

    you are dedicated and a clever man....

    THANK YOU. :)


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