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Posts posted by agemame

  1. Just, just don't ask. The apparent double standard isn't lost on me. Admittedly my free time isn't my own right now, but at this point if that is the hold up, I'll hack the sounds back out and put it in mute if it helps. Problem is, no-one seems to be responding at all, which I agree looks bloody awful.

  2. That took me back, for a brief moment I was searching the sidebar looking for Crowns ;)


    Anyway, the only holdup with BlackBox is essentially deciding how to do the sounds - with MAME never really being geared up for this stuff, it's trying to do it cleanly. Same as the layout art really - it's very good at pushing simple primitives around, but something proper 3D is a hassle.

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  3. Yeah, still trying to tweak the sound - for some reason MAME had MPU4 as stereo sound cabinets, then tied all the channels together so you had two mono speakers. I'm switching it to proper mono, cleaning up the sampled sound and finally turning the alarm noise on (which is about two lines of code, but just fell on the floor for a decade because reasons).

    John also pointed out the unit tests were all MOD2, so shuffled that around too since we had one trying to connect to sound hardware that doesn't exist. Nothing that MFME didn't handle yet, but all this stuff pays off.

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  4. I think that limit is there to stop too much performance sapping because of the way textures are stored, but I'm sure Haze will take a look at it and see whether it's doable

    Tri lamping is probably doable in MAME, there are advanced tricks that can make one component change what it does relative to another, and there are alpha, additive and multiplicative blendings of colour values. Might be worth playing with those on a few tests, but we probably need to give John more textures first.

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  5. Popping in briefly to +1 what John says really. Pretty sure David isn't on here but I really should check in more often, since the Degsy reposts reminded me this forum existed. Catch up time, I think...

    As one of the MAMEr people, I'd be the first to admit we need to elevate a few more things to do with art etc to get to the same standard as MFME was, but if there are any obvious art type things that are just unimplementable for a working tech, let me know - there are tricks with SVG images and other scripting that can be used as workarounds if need be.

    My dev time is nowhere near as big as it was in the AGEMAME days, but if I can do a bit, I'll try to.

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  6. I've written and deleted this a few times, but here goes. Still finding this hard to take, I think it's fair to say I'd never have had any interest in this scene without him (would any one?). As I think about him, I think of pratting about with MPU3/4 as a student in the pre MERC days seeing if I could work out the layout. I never did. But as an excuse to teach me more visual programming, which ultimately led to what I do for a living, it was a damn fun one.

    He'll be missed, but this scene being as strong as it is now is a real testament to him.

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