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Posts posted by jackpotjon05

  1. 10 minutes ago, dad said:

    You could try going into edit mode, scroll across so you can see the coin mech, right click on it to bring up the properties window, then uncheck the box that says 'lockout' then close the properies window then click edit mode again to close it.  If that works for you  then don't forget to save the layout.

    No, its not having it im afraid.

    As soon as I go into edit mode it shrinks the game by 50% and cuts off the right half so I cant even get to the mech.

    Ive tried to use the arrows on the outer box to enlarge the game but that doesn't work either.

    Surely there has to be an easy way to put in £1 coins using 0 but for some reason its not registering anything


  2. 1 minute ago, dad said:

    You could try going into edit mode, scroll across so you can see the coin mech, right click on it to bring up the properties window, then uncheck the box that says 'lockout' then close the properies window then click edit mode again to close it.  If that works for you  then don't forget to save the layout.

    OK thanks ill give that a go.

    Just one more thing on party time....

    I opened up the top box 1st (is that right firstly) and then launched player 2 and clicked ALT L in the top box and they linked....

    BUT.....heres the question.....

    When I closed it and re-loaded it back up to make sure its working properly I loaded up the top box back up and player 2 (previously) loaded back up with it on its own

    How do I stop that happening and get other players to work? I.e 1 or 3 if it loads up like this every time?

    Do u see what im getting at?

  3. Just now, dad said:

    Just tried both and they work for me.  If Goldrush worked yesterday, then so long as you've made no changes there's no reason tt shouln't work today.

    All I can suggest is download it again.

    That's exactly what I thought....very strange.

    Couldn't get a link on Gold Rush, so did the ALT L thing on both games....

    Party Time didn't like it the 1st time but worked 2nd time but Gold Rush is alarming each time I load it up so god knows whats going on

  4. Hi everyone, hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine.

    I've got a bit of an issue which I cant seem to work out.....

    When I downloaded Gold Rush 3 player I was told by Wizard to open the top box slave in a window and then the player terminal should launch, which it did automatically.....

    But ive done the same with Party Time 3 player, loaded up the top box in a window and then opened player 1 in another window but getting an error message saying ''no comms'' across the led, so it doesn't look like they are talking to each other/connecting.

    Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong?

    Many thanks

  5. 1 hour ago, Geddy said:

    There are 31 sections.  The manufacturers of the machines.  Once you click a section e.g. Barcrest then you are presented with all the pictures of the emulated Barcrest machines.  If you wish to look at them in alphabetical order click 'sort by' then 'captions' top right of page.  Then you can scroll through to see if the machine you are looking for is emulated.

    I see, thankyou

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Geddy said:

    As far as legacy layouts are concerned.  (I'm not 100% the section looks the same for other members as I have access to modify it.) I think if you want to know if something is emulated use the MFME gallery at the top of the page and then look at the pictures to see if it is there or not.  If you order the sections by caption it will go into alphabetical order to help you.

    Im a bit confused, sort what into caption?

    Ive gone onto page and theres only 31 there anyway

  7. 5 minutes ago, A:E said:

    I think the top board is activated randomly from a reel win.  I’m sure you can tell it’s a top board as the win pays into the bank faster than usual.  


    Cheers for that, just got one and I see what u mean now.

    Every days a school day here isn't it? LOL

    I may be getting ahead of myself here as im sure it doesn't matter, but how come on your player its got a % and money in/out and credits played but after a top box feature that doesn't do anything?

  8. Hi everyone, just come across the amazing layout of Gold Rush.

    Just so I know im doing it right, you load up the top box 1st in a window, correct?

    And then load up any of the 1-3 players and play in 2 separate windows, is that right?

    Only reason I ask is ive put 100 through it so far without a top board so just wanted to check I was doing it all correctly?

    I did read something about making one of them ''hot to drop'' but how do you do this please?

    I know this sounds like a dumb question, but how do you get the top board on this anyway?

    Is it just the gold rush bit in the middle for stampede or can it also go up randomly?

    Thanks for your help

  9. 4 minutes ago, Big J said:

    If it says v19 forget any numbers after as they are only for purpose when Wizard updates it with tweaks, bug fixes etc. As I said to you via pm you can search in a few different ways including on layout creators profiles.

    Silly question I know, but I assume that's in the Members Layouts section?

    Was so used to FE for so many years and so used to going into downloads and just typing name of machine im still trying to get used to this site!!!

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