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Mazooma Monopoly Release


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On 11/08/2021 at 11:07, edwardb said:

@Spidy21982Thanks for this emulation! I was the programmer of this game (aged 20!).

Maybe we can talk about some other fungames you might not have emulated (Broker Street, Brix, etc)



@edwardb cool the programmer . I think this was a cool time for you. Broker street ? Nothing heared from ... german machine?

Brix is realy cool but no complete romsets with sound available...

At this time i m on the dry no pics and roms  from any german machine.

Every german layout are done ....the rest is anything missing.

Greetings spidy

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Hi Spidy!

Yes, Broker Street was a game we did for Schneider Automaten.....it was a nice game but not so popular. I think we sold maybe 200 machines. I will try to find the ROMs for Brix, I am sure they are on a backup somewhere!

For info, I was also the programmer of "Hi Spirits" (which I have the machine in my office!), "A Knights Trail", "Hopp oder Topp" - a kind of WSM-gambling machine, plus a few others. It is sadly not possible to emulate these games as they use the "Pluto" board.

Best Regards


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8 hours ago, edwardb said:

Hi Spidy!

Yes, Broker Street was a game we did for Schneider Automaten.....it was a nice game but not so popular. I think we sold maybe 200 machines. I will try to find the ROMs for Brix, I am sure they are on a backup somewhere!

For info, I was also the programmer of "Hi Spirits" (which I have the machine in my office!), "A Knights Trail", "Hopp oder Topp" - a kind of WSM-gambling machine, plus a few others. It is sadly not possible to emulate these games as they use the "Pluto" board.

Best Regards


Roms for brix would be cool maybe you have any concept artwork for these.

Did you have any info about the german count yer cash ? A concept artwork is available but no roms anywhere. Its a mazooma machine.

Greetings spidy

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Yes I am sure I have the ROMs and artwork for Brix....somewhere!

I didn't know about Count Yer Cash for Germany. Actually, one of my reasons for leaving Mazooma was that we moved to using ADP technology for the fungames. The ADP hardware was very old, very slow and difficult to program for. It was a backwards step from Scorpion 4.

So I moved to Global and worked on the Loewen Fungames instead :)

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13 hours ago, edwardb said:

Yes I am sure I have the ROMs and artwork for Brix....somewhere!

I didn't know about Count Yer Cash for Germany. Actually, one of my reasons for leaving Mazooma was that we moved to using ADP technology for the fungames. The ADP hardware was very old, very slow and difficult to program for. It was a backwards step from Scorpion 4.

So I moved to Global and worked on the Loewen Fungames instead :)

Great loewen there are a couple of machines that have missing roms like super cup final,mission possible2,cash castle.....maybe you have something for these too.

Greetings spidy

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  • 2 months later...
8 hours ago, edwardb said:

OK, I am working on getting my Scorpion 4 system running, and if I am able, I can re-make the ROM files as I have the Pac Man source code :)

Oh that would be great. Hope it works. 

Did you have the pac man pic in a bigger resolution as 400×600 ?

Any news about the german brix recources ?

Greetings spidy

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  • 1 month later...

Hi There,

I Made Backups of all my Machines.


Brix, PacMan, Cashanova, Werner, Jiggery Pokery

Barcrest (MPU4):

Monaco Grand Prix, Dragon, Dracula

I have other Backups from Barcrest (MPU4): Crown Jewels, Olympic Gold.But only the Backup, No machine to make Pictures from.

As i am German, all ROMs are in German Language.


Greetings, FruityRex

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 09/01/2022 at 09:57, FruityRex said:

Hi There,

I Made Backups of all my Machines.


Brix, PacMan, Cashanova, Werner, Jiggery Pokery

Barcrest (MPU4):

Monaco Grand Prix, Dragon, Dracula

I have other Backups from Barcrest (MPU4): Crown Jewels, Olympic Gold.But only the Backup, No machine to make Pictures from.

As i am German, all ROMs are in German Language.


Greetings, FruityRex

Hi !

OK good news. I have my Scorpion 4 system working, so now I can make the ROM files for some games (Broker Street, plus others).

Do you have BRIX sound ROMs? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 09/01/2022 at 10:57, FruityRex said:

Hi There,

I Made Backups of all my Machines.


Brix, PacMan, Cashanova, Werner, Jiggery Pokery

Barcrest (MPU4):

Monaco Grand Prix, Dragon, Dracula

I have other Backups from Barcrest (MPU4): Crown Jewels, Olympic Gold.But only the Backup, No machine to make Pictures from.

As i am German, all ROMs are in German Language.


Greetings, FruityRex

Hallo zusammen, 

Ich habe eine Frage zum cashanova. Das Release von Spidy hat mich echt sehr gefreut, allerdings ist sein Rom fehlerhaft.

Und zwar wenn man ins Minispiel wechselt, indem man hochdrückt, gibt es normalerweise je höher man ins Spiel wechselt höhere Features und Steps zur belohnung. Bei diesem Rom ist das immer beides 0,egal in welcher Höhe man reinspringt. 

Das macht dann keinen Sinn mehr als auf 12 zu riskieren um ins Wechselspiel zu gehen. 

Könnte man das fixen? 

Edited by kaiserneppo
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12 hours ago, kaiserneppo said:

Hallo zusammen, 

Ich habe eine Frage zum cashanova. Das Release von Spidy hat mich echt sehr gefreut, allerdings ist sein Rom fehlerhaft.

Und zwar wenn man ins Minispiel wechselt, indem man hochdrückt, gibt es normalerweise je höher man ins Spiel wechselt höhere Features und Steps zur belohnung. Bei diesem Rom ist das immer beides 0,egal in welcher Höhe man reinspringt. 

Das macht dann keinen Sinn mehr als auf 12 zu riskieren um ins Wechselspiel zu gehen. 

Könnte man das fixen? 

Könnte am rom liegen gibt ja meistens mehrere versionen von denen. Beim werner z.b.hab ich das layout gebaut mit DM rom und da hatte was mit dem sound nicht hingehauen .hab dann neue roms bekommen die waren dann schon auf € 

Da war das feature mit den 3 flaschen ganz anders oder gar nicht mehr drin.

Also falls du andere roms hast kannst du die probieren.

Gruß spidy

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Ich selber hab nix. Wüsste auch garnicht was man da machen müsste. Dachte das wird irgendwie zusammen gebaut.

Wenn ich deins runterlade, sehe ich eine .ram Datei. Schaue ich im Netz nach Cashanova Roms, sind die allerdings viel größer und da steht was von scorpion 4.

Ich dachte daher an den dump von FruityRex? 

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@kaiserneppo ist ganz einfach. Du brauchst die beiden hi lo dateien . Die kopierst du in den game ordner, dann startest das layout gehst auf edit dann hast oben nen roten balken.dann auf edit ,rom loader da drückst auf stop dann siehst oben die beiden hi lo dateien die entfernst du und lädst die beiden anderen und drückst auf start. Rom loader schliessen edit mode beenden.

Kannst aber die hi lo auch umbenennen wie in meinem release und ersetzt die einfach.

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