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I was so impressed by the version 20 emulator I built myself a table top system for it


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Well its not brilliant in the box department. I could have spent more time on the box getting it perfect but i wanted it finished before xmas 

Box is made from some plywood that was hanging around and covered in sticky back vinal left over from a previous project.

I had a DELL 8gb celeron pc in my pile with a 128 ssd in it and preloaded with Win10 and a Viewsonic monitor (touch screen)

Added a wifi dongle and a vontar air mouse for the keyboard and hey presto one desk top fruity. 

Its amazing what old reduntant hardware can do. 

WhatsApp Image 2024-12-24 at 17.04.49_ed0f080a.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2024-12-24 at 17.04.50_a738f0a3.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2024-12-24 at 17.04.50_d88291e3.jpg

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