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Cabinet Build - Show us Yours - and a Note of thanks to...


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This is a show us yours thread - of items that you have built - even if you don't have them anymore - please only post completed items to inspire others, not WIP.

But first we must do some thanks to...

... @uptown47 and @No1Stoney...

...I am not sure if this tale has ever been shared by me - but if not does not matter - let's do this.

Chris was never EVER going to add support to MFME for external connectivity to hoppers, leds etc.

This was something that long before we ever saw a cabinet I was asking for - but nope - will not happen.  He didn't want MFME moved into a pub enviorment.  I told him that I considered that very unlikely but he could be stubbon and it simply was not going to happen.

Sometime later - very clever work started to happen by 3rd parties that then caused Chris to quietly reconsider.  I don't think he liked MFME being "hacked" to look at the meters and about the time if I recall that @uptown47 and @No1Stoney started to show off cabinet work - things very quickly changed behind the scenes.

No longer was it a voice from myself about features to add - the fact that others had created working machines with MFME as the engine really tipped the balance.

He never gave credit that I heard of for what swung him - but I really do believe that due to the two gentlemen that I mention here - this is why it can do what it does.

You both were the reason that I ( and I really believe Chris ) went off to build our own cabs.

I just wanted to call this out as I look at this area of our community that is just blossoming with cabient builds and people doing work on their personal machines

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My builds...





Now scapped with a few bits put into the second cabinet.  This has £1 and 10p hoppers inside.

Front end was M-Galaxy.



Current cabinet - only supports £1 hopper.  Digital marquee on top that displays different graphics for each game - powered by a USB monitor. 

Front end it Touch-Play as main screen is a touch screen meaning reduced buttons on cabinet.


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This is my current set up.


This set up is 7 foot to the top of the screen, and 2 foot 4 wide, with a 55" curved 4k screen, and stereo speakers either side.

On the side I have 3 key switches.
Top one turns on the little green note changer - put a note in and get 10 coins from hopper 1. (uses a hacked kids money box and 2 timer relays)
The one on the left runs power to hopper 1 (if you need to unjam it). (rarely used)
The middle key is a double pole 3 way switch, that swops hopper 1 & opto with hopper 2 & opto. (A few games use hopper 2 as the main hopper)


The button box includes the Pacdrive and Ipac, and has a few extra buttons too. Including side buttons for MPU2 or pinball. 


On the back is a button for Full screen (F3), Escape, Random (F6) and a toggle switch for voume +/-

And finally the change machine next to the cabinet. This uses a JY-142 board for change, and a Arduino Leonardo board for MFME credit.
in switch position 1, it gives standard change, and also acts as hopper 3, in Triac output mode only. 
In switch position 2, it gives credit on MFME for various notes.
The coin slot on the front acts as a normal coin input or refill.

My next plan is to use a bigger cabinet with 4 hoppers in it, and a note acceptor. Maybe I will start that later this year? I already have most of the stuff I need, but am waiting to move to a bigger place.

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Treat every day like your last, because one day it will be!

Fruit Machine <<<My new project! 

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  • Reg pinned this topic

Thanks @Reg I had no idea at all that he was against adding support for Pacdrives and hoppers in the beginning. Its amazing to hear that because of our cabinets being built it sparked him into reconsidering, and look how far we have come since then. I remember thinking about all the ways I could work with MFME as it stood (I think it was version 9.4 and 10.1 back then) and 'hacking' into the meter values was the first way in which I managed to get a program to recognise how much my hopper should pay out. I also had to use a 3rd party PCB for controlling the hopper and write some code for that to work correctly. Far from ideal by today's standards, but it was so amazing to get something accepting coins and paying out at all, and I was truly amazed. Once I got a proper coin mech wired up and accepting coins correctly I was so buzzed to get started I couldn't wait.

I also never knew that Chris built his own cab. Did he ever share pictures of this? If so, I'd love to see what he came up with. 

Its great seeing everyone's creations come to life and that no two cabs are the same. 


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59 minutes ago, No1Stoney said:

I also never knew that Chris built his own cab. Did he ever share pictures of this? If so, I'd love to see what he came up with.

He not only built his own cab - he created a PCB for it.  I had a request when he brought in the PacDriver for LED segs.  I wanted to be able to put them into my keyboard to show in / out as an LED display.  That did not work as not commerical hardware was ever available to drive LED segs with the power needed for brightness - so he made his own.

Unfortunatly not compeleted photos of the cabinet - but it had a 32" dell screen that it ran, the LED segs for coins in and out and control was via a small thumb joystick to navigate menus.  I'll see if I am wrong on the the completed photos but I can't find any - all I remember is having photos of coin routing that he created.  If I can find them, I'll post a thread at Wizard's Rest with all I have.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 25/01/2022 at 00:20, Reg said:

This is a show us yours thread - of items that you have built - even if you don't have them anymore - please only post completed items to inspire others, not WIP.

But first we must do some thanks to...

... @uptown47 and @No1Stoney...

...I am not sure if this tale has ever been shared by me - but if not does not matter - let's do this.

Chris was never EVER going to add support to MFME for external connectivity to hoppers, leds etc.

This was something that long before we ever saw a cabinet I was asking for - but nope - will not happen.  He didn't want MFME moved into a pub enviorment.  I told him that I considered that very unlikely but he could be stubbon and it simply was not going to happen.

Sometime later - very clever work started to happen by 3rd parties that then caused Chris to quietly reconsider.  I don't think he liked MFME being "hacked" to look at the meters and about the time if I recall that @uptown47 and @No1Stoney started to show off cabinet work - things very quickly changed behind the scenes.

No longer was it a voice from myself about features to add - the fact that others had created working machines with MFME as the engine really tipped the balance.

He never gave credit that I heard of for what swung him - but I really do believe that due to the two gentlemen that I mention here - this is why it can do what it does.

You both were the reason that I ( and I really believe Chris ) went off to build our own cabs.

I just wanted to call this out as I look at this area of our community that is just blossoming with cabient builds and people doing work on their personal machines

Apologies Reg... for some reason the emails from the site don't come through anymore... I've checked my Spam folder and nada... not sure what the problem is but, anyhoo, I was on DIF just having a look around and noticed a few mentions. 

You're right about Chris not being too happy with bringing MFME into the "physical" realm. I was just standing on the massive shoulders of @No1Stoney and between us we muddled a system of making the machine pay out correctly. It wasn't perfect but it worked!!

He did come round to the idea. I exchanged several PMs with him at the time asking his permission to "go public" with how to read the hopper values etc as I didn't want to do anything to rock the boat and if he had said "No" then I would have kept schtum... however, he was happy to let the community know about it and, the rest, is history.

Always love seeing people making cabinets or working versions of the fruities.

And, it's lovely that you mention me in the same sentence as @No1Stoney as he was the brains that started it all.

This whole site is a remarkable mix of very talented, dedicated people and, at the core of that was Wizard's software. The whole scene is bigger than the sum of it's parts.

Truly superb!

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  • 1 month later...

As requested by @Reg, here is my first cab build (well kind of a v1.1 as it actually started taller and less refined and I modified it slightly to get it to what you see here.)




























This cab pays out in 10ps and £1 coins and takes all coins. It was also the smallest I could get it as the coin mech takes up a lot of room. I still have this cab, but a friend of mine is buying it from me so we can play games with shared RAM files (As I built a new one:


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6 minutes ago, No1Stoney said:

a friend of mine is buying it from me so we can play games with shared RAM files

...thank you for posting !

Reference the above - I bet at some point, you build one like your current cab for your friend.

I am rather looking forward to see the end result of the next one.

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9 minutes ago, Reg said:

...thank you for posting !

Reference the above - I bet at some point, you build one like your current cab for your friend.

I am rather looking forward to see the end result of the next one.

Me too! Going on holiday soon so progress will be halted for 2 weeks. 

Oh and here is a pic of my first cab before I changed it slightly. notice its taller, no buttons above the monitor, and the rejected coins came out of the shoot on the right. This was terrible as coins just flew out across the room.



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Here's my very first attempt using dual screens and mfme3! It was more of a test.


I did go on to try a DX, but the cab never survived as mfme3 didn't really support cabs, as you all know.

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  • 1 month later...

Thought it would be worth re-posting the videos I made many moons ago on my own cabinet build. It just means we keep everything together and hopefully it will help someone take the leap to making their own cabinet.

Here's one I made showing the build with some explanations on what the components are...


And here's one talking about the software and demo-ing the machine....


Apologies for the quality of these efforts... I'm not in any danger of winning an Oscar... you have been warned :) 


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