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Video game requests for the initial test arcade


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In these early stages, it will still just be the test arcade... so I'll be manually adding MAME video games (supported/playable in 2003 core, I'll probably be able to figure this out later for the latest MAME core).

Later there will be the Arcade Editor feature, and potentially something to hotswap a game into a cab (like a PlayChoice 10 on steroids).

So I guess something like 50-100 video games initially. 

For now the criteria is:
- supported in MAME 2003
- playable with standard joystick and 2-3 action buttons (so keyboard players can still realistically play using QA/OP/Space/M etc).

I'm personally avoiding fire/jump games (e.g Shinobi) as they seem like they'd be awkward to play on keyboard... support for arcade sticks/joypads is planned.  Also 'autofire' is planned, as I was finding it hard pressing Space quickly whilst moving around in Star Force... so it'll open up more 'schmup' games to keyboard players.

Also initially, games like Outrun etc won't work as they require analog controls, I will need to work that out.  Also no lightgun games initially(Operation Wolf etc), though later I should be able to get those working with a mouse controlled crosshair or something like that.

Oh one more restriction - should probably avoid Nintendo games at first, until later when I have a planned feature developed that will auto-search and download the ROMs from the general internet, like archive.org etc... (to keep Arcade Sim / DIF safe)... as Nintendo have a history of not 'getting' homebrew, and threatening lawsuits against hobbyist developers! (https://games.slashdot.org/story/19/04/23/1913218/nintendo-squashes-super-mario-commodore-64-port-which-took-seven-years-to-make)

If you want to see a game in the first 50-100 game batch, please post in here, and I'll try to make sure the ones in this thread go in first run...

I've a few of my own choices to start:

Vulcan Venture
Star Force
Phoenix (request from One Switch games)
New Rally X

God there's so many games haha ;)   I may not reply, but I'll try post a 'like' to show I've seen posts and there are no issues with the games chosen.

Edited by johnparker007
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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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R-Type II
Gradius III
Don Pachi
Space Invaders

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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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Think all of these could be found in generic cabs and are still great games in my book I'd love to find in Arcade Simulator:

Astro Fighter (1979 - Data East version) - these were everywhere in UK arcades for a while. Still a great game.
Burning Rubber (1982)
Commando (1985)
Frogger (1981)
Gyruss (1983)
Lunar Rescue (1979)
Moon Patrol (1982)
Spiders (1980?)
Space Invaders II (1979)
Super Space Invaders '91

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20 minutes ago, infection said:

Primal rage 2?

lol that's a really awkward one!  😛 It's an unreleased prototype only supported in a custom build of MAME:

"Using a custom-created version of the MAME arcade emulator known as “MAME4RAGE2”, the game now boots offering a now fully playable build of the game. "

Also requires 6 buttons, so going to be problematic for keyboard users (this will only have keyboard initially).

It's logged in the thread, so maybe one day... but I'm generally thinking:

- supported in MAME 2003
- playable with standard joystick and 2-3 action buttons (so keyboard players can still realistically play using QA/OP/Space/M etc).
- run/jump games may be awkward for keyboard users initially
- analog controls (eg Outrun) steering wheel not yet
- light gun (eg Operation Wolf) not yet
- no Nintendo games until internet ROM downloading implemented

Some of these limitations won't be a problem later as things are implemented.

Edited by johnparker007
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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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2 minutes ago, OneSwitch said:

Think all of these could be found in generic cabs and are still great games in my book I'd love to find in Arcade Simulator:

Astro Fighter (1979 - Data East version) - these were everywhere in UK arcades for a while. Still a great game.
Burning Rubber (1982)
Commando (1985)
Frogger (1981)
Gyruss (1983)
Lunar Rescue (1979)
Moon Patrol (1982)
Spiders (1980?)
Space Invaders II (1979)
Super Space Invaders '91

Yep off the top of my head they all look like they'd work great in this early test and also a good experience with keyboard only controls, ta :) 

Edited by johnparker007
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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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1 minute ago, fruitsnappa said:

Bubble Bobble?


Mappy - works well
Bubble Bobble - that will actually work well for keyboard users despite being jump and fire, since up doesn't do anything, so up can be used for the jump control (I think the ZX Spectrum port also did this and it played fine)

[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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7 minutes ago, OneSwitch said:

Mr. Do is great too.

Good call - will work great keyboard :) 

Edited by johnparker007
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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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Gauntlet / Gauntlet II

[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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Space Invaders - original version (I was the arcade champ on that)


Moon Cresta


Defender (was really terrible on that but would like to get better)


Missile Command

Space Raiders

Plus one I can't remember the name of which I've mentioned a few times on the forums......

It was wire frame graphics with controls the same as asteroids.  It looked like a web with like a block in the middle (possibly a space station).  You had to shoot away the lines on the web to get to the middle.  On several of the web lines were tiny balls which when released used to fizz around the screen trying to kill you and you had to shoot them down.  Once all those were destroyed and the ship in the middle blasted away you started again with a new full screen.   It was a brilliant game and I got quite good at it - just wish I could remember the name!!  Oh yeah, I definately know it WASN'T Tempest!


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38 minutes ago, dad said:

Space Invaders - original version (I was the arcade champ on that)


Moon Cresta


Defender (was really terrible on that but would like to get better)


Missile Command

Space Raiders

Plus one I can't remember the name of which I've mentioned a few times on the forums......

It was wire frame graphics with controls the same as asteroids.  It looked like a web with like a block in the middle (possibly a space station).  You had to shoot away the lines on the web to get to the middle.  On several of the web lines were tiny balls which when released used to fizz around the screen trying to kill you and you had to shoot them down.  Once all those were destroyed and the ship in the middle blasted away you started again with a new full screen.   It was a brilliant game and I got quite good at it - just wish I could remember the name!!  Oh yeah, I definately know it WASN'T Tempest!


Moon Cresta a great call. You'd hear that music in many arcades for a year or two. Good game too but hard.

Is the game Star Castle? 


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Thanks for requests folks :)  A few won't make it into first pass, as need to be playable on keyboard initially/analog controls/vector gfx which I will need to do something extra to implement - most of them look fine though! :) 

Edited by johnparker007

[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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1 hour ago, Amusements said:

Anything pre 1990 would be just like the arcades when they were fun! Hearing them play in the background would be mental!

I have a whole thing planned for (quite a bit) later on, that will do ambient sounds of both attract and gameplay of the actual machines in the arcade, in 3d virtualised space relative to you - it should sound pretty good :)

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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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1 minute ago, Mort said:

Double Dragon ?

Buttons could be a bit tricky on initial keyboard controls, but probably still playable, I think it can go in 1st batch :) 

Edited by johnparker007
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[ Arcade Simulator ] Pre-alpha installer: https://tinyurl.com/2kcrkprh | Donation info: https://tinyurl.com/yzvgl4xo
[ Community Drive ] The drive: http://tinyurl.com/yckze665
[ Fruit Machine Database ] Initial google sheets (WIP): https://tinyurl.com/2c5znxzz
[ Fruit Machine ROM  Archive ] The archive: https://tinyurl.com/3jhzbueb
[ Fruit Machine Settings/Tests Guide ] https://tinyurl.com/yuebw8b5
[ MAME (fixes/improvements) ] Commits: https://github.com/johnparker007/mame/commits/master/?author=johnparker007

[ MFME Launch ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/MFMELaunch
[ Oasis ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/Oasis
[ Sound ROM Editor ] Source code: https://github.com/johnparker007/SoundRomEditor

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56 minutes ago, OneSwitch said:

Moon Cresta a great call. You'd hear that music in many arcades for a year or two. Good game too but hard.

Is the game Star Castle? 


That is very very similar, but the one I'm on about was just green wire frame graphics (no colour) and a lot slower.  This one goes like a bat out of hell and I'd stand no chance lol

The one I played came out around 1979-ish


Having looked at a few Youtube vids I think you might be right about Star Castle, although the one I recall must have been a very early version.  The gameplay is pretty much how I remember it.

Thanks very much :)



Edited by dad
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15 minutes ago, dad said:

That is very very similar, but the one I'm on about was just green wire frame graphics (no colour) and a lot slower.  This one goes like a bat out of hell and I'd stand no chance lol

The one I played came out around 1979-ish

Not Cinematronic's Rip-Off? Arcade Jason might be worth asking https://www.youtube.com/c/ArcadeJason/videos. Sounds like a lost in time game, or maybe a clone/hack.  

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