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Posts posted by evo1

  1. On main portal page on right hand side, green box with donate on it, again please read before you donate as am pretty sure the downloads are for 12 months only and then donate again to help keep the lights on over the site.

  2. Ya life passes us by so fast, enjoy every day as if it was the last cause one day it will be true. Even more am grateful for what Chris as left us...memories of past...the enjoyment times of old. Dont care that there's no update am more than happy that chris has be enable to re-live my youth  

    • Like 1
  3. Brilliant game, some of these updated old skool games are shit and a moneymaker, but this on ps4 is 100% has 3 games on it

    • Space Invaders Extreme
    • Space Invaders Gigamax 4 SE
    • Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders

    the Arkanoid vs Space Invaders a great challenge.

    and well we talking space invaders i have a nice original Midways Bally Co arcade front, just wondering what i could do with it??



    • Like 1
  4. Thank you Reg for keeping us informed. And not at all insensitive, we all know its still a very sore point and will be for a long time, but as a scene its must continue to move forward and sometimes we have to say things that we may feel its not the right time! But when is? So ya thanks for bringing to are attention.

    Agree with Niallquinn some great points made in the posts above, and again without being insensitive is that Chris's work will stop working with any new windows in future years and all Chris's work will come to nothing.

  5.  Thank you for the video always enjoyable. Dont ever think that you do a little with the community with your videos Degsy !!!! You have brought a lot of new member's to Desert Island to help keep the scene alive.

    So please dont ever think like that mate. And its members like yourself and Reg and FML designers and every member needed more then ever to continue......The Legacy!



    • Like 2
  6. Degsy.....tears mate tears. Thank you!!!  for that tribute to a great person. Chris pushed the boundaries every time a new update came along, theirs still lots to do with what Chris left us, plus all the remakes of back catalogue. Theirs still huge amount of work to be done. Desert island, the members, the scene, are not going anywhere.

    • Like 4
    • Awesome 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, barcrest junky said:

    The scene will be less bright without you around.

    I know its hard Gary..but i hope that us members with what Chris has left us, that we shine so bright and continue his work, so when Chris looks down upon us, He is so proud of what enjoyment he has left for others.

    • Like 16
  8. Even though your out of sight, you will never be out of mind.

    I think you had an idea of how many people you did make happy with wine for wizard.

    We would all be happier if you was still here.

    I thank you from the bottom of heart for the smlies you put on my face over the years, my friend.

    R.I.P Chris AKA Wizard.



    • Like 34
  9. Well after 24hrs and still disbelieve that yet again one of the good guys in the world gets taken from us far to early, and now looking at the comments by all, its time to believe this is happening and not just a dream! Al-day at work kept looking at my phone hoping this topic/tread wasn't here. i tried to watch degsy's video last night but 1.25 in turned it off as degsy welled up, still not brought myself to watch. Funny how someone you never met have a big impact in life. Never did understand the updates we had over the years, all i know is MFME brought me smiles and happiness of my youth days for all the 14 years iv been around in FME.

    Chris/Wizard may not be with us in present, but his past and legacy will live on in are minds and in the emulator

    I wish i wasn't writing this!!!!!!  😢

    You will never be forgotten Chris for bringing happiness to so many lives.

    Take care my friend.


    • Like 7
  10. Had to read Reg's statement at the beginning over a couple of times to get me head around this....with huge disbelieve! I still cant believe am writing this. The enjoyment Chris has brought me over the years with MFME...Jesus this is so fucking hard to write anything, totally shocked.

    R.I.P Chris and THANK YOU! you will be miss by many. 

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