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Club Cops 'N' Robbers (SC2) £75 - £250 1.0.1

   (4 reviews)

7 Screenshots

About This File

Here is a series of layout mods for Reg's brilliant CCnR DX.

The purpose of this originally was to simply test different ROM sets and sort the versions we had. I made some small changes to the existing DX to facilitate this work, and with Reg's permission it made sense to now release these to the scene for anyone who has an interest in playing the CCnR game at different stakes/prizes/rom revisions.


  • 5 DX's using different ROM revisions:
    • 5p-£75      (750-190 v9.1) (ROM date = 20/01/1994)
    • 10p-£100 (750-628 vK.1) (ROM date = 02/02/1996)
    • 20p-£150 (750-154 v5.3) (ROM date = 16/11/1993)
    • 20p-£200 (750-118 v1.2) (ROM date = 20/07/1993)
    • 25p-£250 (750-859 vL.1) (ROM date = 02/09/1996)
  • Lamp masks
  • Blended lamps on win matrix bottom glass
  • Pay-out custom sounds
  • Meter effects
  • Changed colours on Dot matrix and 7 segs to match original machine a bit closer (personal preference)
  • Reel gradients
  • Added one of Reg's casino backgrounds for ambience in F3 (full screen) mode BUT original art remains if you want to drag it all back into view (the reel bands on the side art have been added as an image to this download post)
  • All ROMs are included as a separate download with a visual guide
  • AutoPlay profile added and used to get CP's full around £3000/£4000 IN
  • Added flyer/cabinet/game photos  and .db files for MFME Game Manager

This mod was released with Reg's approval, and the credit must go to him for the original classic and DX layouts.




Edited by Mort

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


  • Added 25p £250 DX running 750-189 L.1 from 02/09/1996
  • Updated ROM information sheet and attached here as an image
  • Split all DXs and ROMs into separate downloads (should have sorted this sooner apologies)
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User Feedback



Looks awesome. Are the cash pots free? There was a switch/dirty ferry ROM that made them just included in the RTP so if people collected any wins it made them essentially unwinnable. 

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A machine which holds so many good and bad memories for me.

It reminds me of my time at university, times when it would keep me in beer money for the night, and times when it would send me home early or just drinking water at the bar!

It also reminds me of a great friend of mine, who is sadly no longer with us.

It's funny how machines remind you of the past in the emulator, but it's great to have them playable to this day to keep those memories alive.

CCnR has much history in FME, but here I present you with a series of DX's, done by Reg, which I feel are definitive going forward.

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Multi Retro Man

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!!

Full screen mode looks brilliant but that woman has been stood there ages... ;)

You can tell the effort put into it, just like what I like :D

Response from the author:

tbh mate she is beginning to piss me off now ;)

be half OK if she was decent eye candy...

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